

Machine generated contents note: 1 Introduction: Region and Civilization 1
India and its history - Rule - Region and unity -
Belief- Customs: the problem of caste - Islam and
Indian plurality - Environment, technology and
socio-economic change
2 Early India 27
Cultures and peoples - Land - Social order -
Communities - Kingship - Invasions and empires -
Culture and its transmission - Production (slaves, rice
and bankers) - Empires, religions and regions
3 Mediaeval India 55
Regionalism - Empires: the Delhi sultans - Empires:
Vijayanagara - Statecraft - Kings and sultans -
Lords, officials and localities - Culture and belief-
Production and society - Region versus empire
4 Early Modern India I: Mughals and Marathas 81
The Mughals - Mughal rule - Early modern society
and economy - Eighteenth-century politics -
Merchants and states - Rival economies on the eve
of conquest - Administration, 1580-1765: some
5 Early Modern India II: Company Raj 116
The East India Company in Madras and Calcutta -
The Company's rise to power - Revenue settlements
under the Company - Transitions, 1770s to 1860s:
trade - Law - Education - Features of Company
rule - Some early modern Indian responses
6 Modem India I: Government 148
Modern government - Councils and departments -
Financial problems - Benevolence and intervention -
Policy goals: Britain and India - Political policies
under colonialism - Decolonization
7 Modern India II: Politics 177
Modern politics - The Indian National Congress -
Political Islam - Popular protest - Popular
nationalism - Communal separatism - Partition -
Community and class - The aftermath of colonialism -
Roads to independence and to modern politics
8 Modern India III: Society 218
Categorizations - New environments: Calcutta -
Caste and class - Low-caste movements - Islam -
Hindu and Sikh religious movements - Women -
The British raj and after
9 Modern India IV: Economy 246
Decline and European dominance - Values,
de-industrialization, dualism, economic decline -
Agriculture - Rural labour regimes - The 'landless' -
The 'landed' - Land control - The use of credit -
Access to the market - Purchasing power -
Differentiation - Food and health - Colonial legacies
10 Epilogue: After Modernity? 296
Caste, community and nation - A Hindu India? -
Transitions and prospects.

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