

Introduction : the nerd dilemma or why Ashton Kutcher is your kid's worst nightmare
The field guide to nerds or why nerds are so gay
Math scores and economic ills or why you need to go to India to find an engineer
Old themes and new twists or why Ichabod Crane will never get laid
They can't help it, they're just sick or how better treatment might help cure Bill Gates
The Seinfeld axiom or why nerds know advanced calculus but can't get to first base
The geek squad or why you're not grateful to the guy who fixes your computer
They're not ugly, they just need a makeover or why they think no one can see the tape on their glasses
I'm not boring you, am I? Or what is this thing called the silmarillion?
Welcome to my persecution or why the George Bush-Al Gore contest was a Jungian's dream
Conclusion : the nerd you save.

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