

ch. 1. The team ideal
ch. 2. Team instinct
ch. 3. Individual needs vs. team needs
ch. 4. Teamwork vs. socialwork
ch. 5. Misplaced goals, confused objectives
ch. 6. Bad decision making
ch. 7. Empowerment uncertainties
ch. 8. Unresolved roles
ch. 9. The wrong policies and procedures
ch. 10. The people problem
ch. 11. Dealing with difficult people
ch. 12. Leadership failure
ch. 13. Faulty vision
ch. 14. Toxic teaming atmosphere
ch. 15. Competitive hazards
ch. 16. Communication shortfalls
ch. 17. Rewards and recognition
ch. 18. Trust hell
ch. 19. Change issues
ch. 20. The myth of adventure learning
ch. 21. The myth that sports teams and work teams are similar
ch. 22. The myth of personality type
ch. 23. Myths of team leadership
24. The myth that people like working together
ch. 25. The myth that teamwork is more productive than individual work
ch. 26. The myth of "the more, the merrier" on teams
ch. 27. The myth that a team must somehow have more than one team member to be a team
ch. 28. The myth that teams work everywhere
ch. 29. Moving teams through stages toward success
30. Teams and technology
31. Long-term team health.

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