

Pt. 1. The problem of America's energy dependence. America's plunge into reliance on foreign oil
A forgotten victory gives hope : how America solved its last energy crisis and cut oil imports in half
Lapsing back into oil addiction : retreating from battle under presidents Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush
Blood and treasure : the heavy cost of dependence on Middle East oil
Fossil fuels and global warming : a dangerous experiment with the planet
The magic and limits of market-based solutions
Seeing through the ideological blinders (of the right and the left)
Pt. 2. Seven economically and politically viable paths to Energy independence. Solution one : store massive emergency reserves
Solution two : drive the car of the future
Solution three : bring alternative fuels to market
Solution four : plug into an electric future
Solution five : adopt energy taxes liberals and conservatives can like
Solution six : make energy conservation a patriotic duty
Solution seven : throw some "Hail Marys"
Pt. 3. What we need from national leaders (and from voters).

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