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Learning, emotion and their application for teaching / Luz P. Mangurian
E-education : does an online degree make a difference to academic library employers? / Sara Russell Gonzalez, Kathryn Kennedy, and Pam Cenzer
Library Access Midwest Program (LAMP) : a regional initiative to recruit and retain diverse professionals / Rae-Anne Montague
Shaping outcomes : a collaborative museum-library project for outcomes-based professional development / Rachel Applegate
They didn't teach that in library school! : building a digital teaching commons to enhance metadata teaching, learning, and research / Sherry L. Vellucci, Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, and William E. Moen
Unify to diversify : collaborating for diversity recruitment / Jade Alburo
Work behavior type and Myers Briggs personality type preferences of academic librarians : change over time? / Carol Ritzen Kem
Building a consortial monographic purchase plan : the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries experience / Michael Levine-Clark
Building the European Digital Library : an insider's point of view / Olaf D. Janssen
The new academic library : building institutional repositories to support changing / Tyler O. Walters
Digitization of herbarium specimens : a collaborative project / Larry Schmidt
Providing innovative services to "our users" in the world of Web 2.0 : the ANTS Initiative / Carmen Kazakoff-Lane
Virtual reference teams : collaboration and knowledge sharing across time and distance / Susan A. Ware and Courtney L. Young
With a bucket of extremes : saving an ARL-sized library collection in New Orleans / Andy Corrigan
Faculty and student perceptions of using e-books in a small academic institution / Edward W. Walton
Faculty attitudes about scholarly communication trends and issues : tribal differences at Columbia University / James G. Neal
Federated searching : do undergraduates prefer it and does it add value? / C. Jeffrey Belliston, Jared L. Howland, and Brian C. Roberts
Information and research needs of GLBT/sexual diversity studies students / Pascal Lupien
Library mashups for the virtual campus : using Web 2.0 tools to create new current awareness service / Linda Absher, Adriene Lim, and Kerry Wu
Out-googling Google : federated searching and the single search box / Verne W. Newton and Kathryn Silberger
Subject search disconnect / Margaret Mellinger and Jane Nichols
Academic success : how library services make a difference / Ying Zhong and Johanna Alexander
Analog v. Google in the CMS : RSS feeds to the rescue! / Heather L. Moulaison and Edward M. Corrado
Build it and what? : measuring the implementation and outcomes of an information commons / Rachel Applegate
Designing a library environment that promotes learning / Joyce Gotsch and Diane Holliday
Knowing our students : undergraduates in context / Judi Briden, Vicki Burns, and Ann Marshall
PennTags: creating and using an academic social bookmarking tool / Laurie Allen and Michael Winkler
Service sea change : clicking with screenagers through virtual reference / Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Marie L. Radford
Social navigation, recommender systems, and libraries / Kornelia Tancheva and Jesse Koennecke
Evaluating library instruction : measures for assessing educational quality and impact / Katherine Schilling and Rachel Applegate
Information visualization as a tool for teaching research skills / James Huff
Integrating information literacy using the LPSS political science research competency guidelines / LeRoy LaFleur
Muckrakers : engaging students in the research process through an online game / Ann Brown, Paola Ceccarini, and Cathy Eisenhower
Reaching the faculty of the future
now : marketing instructional services to graduate students / Liz Cooper, Chris Palazzolo, and Anna Van Scoyoc
Social contagion theory and information literacy dissemination : a theoretical model / Daisy Benson and Keith Gresham
Taking flight
pilot testing the information literacy test / Connie Ury ... [et al.]
The South Dakota Information Literacy Exam : a tool for small and medium-sized universities to document and assess information literacy / Carol A. Leibiger and William E. Schweinle
What they don't know CAN hurt them : competency theory, library anxiety, and student self-assessments of their information literacy skills / Don Latham and Melissa Gross
Who's afraid of the big bad library? / Martina Nicholas, Catherine Rudowsky, and Jesus Valencia
Perceptions of campus-level advocacy and influence strategies among senior administrators in college and university libraries / Janice Simmons-Welburn, Beth McNeil, and William Welburn
Following the phosphorous trail of research library mission statements into present and future harbors / Alan W. Aldrich
From midnight breakfast to facebook.com : social networking and the small college library / Elizabeth Wavle
Librarians as academic leaders : uniquely qualified for the job / Maureen Diana Sasso and David A. Nolfi
Privacy and library 2.0 : how do they conflict? / Edward M. Corrado
Designing self-service learning environments / Wendy Starkweather.

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