

Chronological table
1. Introduction
The setting
Natural resources
Peoples and languages
Climate change and its cultural impact
2. The earliest Maya
Early hunters
Archaic collectors and cultivators
Early preclassic villages
The middle preclassic expansion
Preclassic Kaminaljuyu
The May lowlands
3. The rise of Maya civilization
The birth of the calendar
The Hero Twins and the creation of the world
Izapa and the Pacific coast
Kaminaljuyu and the Maya highlands
The Peten and the Maya lowlands
The Mirador basin
San Bartolo
From preclassic to classic in the Maya lowlands
4. Classic splendor : the early period
Teotihuacan : military giant
The Esperanza culture
Tzak'ol culture in the central area
Copan in the early classic
The Northern area
5. Classic splendor : the late period
Classic sites in the central area
Copan and Quirigua Tikal
Yaxchilan, Piedras Negras, and Bonampak
The Petexbatun
Comalcalco and Tonina
Classic sites in the northern area : Río Bec, Chenes, and Coba
Art of the late classic
6. The terminal classic
The great collapse
Seibal and the Putun Maya
Puuk sites in the northern area
The terminal classic at Chichen Itza
Ek' Bahlam
The Cotzumalhuapa problem
The end of an era
7. The post-classic
The Toltec invasion and Chichen Itza
The Itza and the city of Mayapan
The independent states of Yucatan
The central area in the post-classic
Maya-Mexican dynasties in the southern area
The Spanish conquest
8. Maya life on the eve of the conquest
The farm and the chase
Industry and commerce
The life cycle
Society and politics
9. Maya thought and culture
The universe and the gods
The earth and the gods
The classic Maya underworld
Rites and ritual practitioners
Numbers and the calendar
The sun and the moon
The celestial wanderers and the stars
The nature of Maya writing
History graven in stone
Maya superstates
History and the supernatural
Spiritual alter-egos
10. The enduring Maya
The new Spanish order
The highland Maya, yesterday and today
The Tzotzil Maya of Zinacantan
The Yucatec Maya
The war of the Castes
The Maya of Chan K'om
The Lakandon
Uprising in Chiapas
The great terror
The Maya future
Visiting the Maya area
Dynastic rulers of classic Maya cities.

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