

Foreword / Douglas L. Wilson
pt. 1. Early life and career
1-1. Abraham Lincoln's autobiographies
1-2. Osborn H. Oldroyd's summary of Lincoln's life
1-3. Stepmother Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln on his childhood
1-4. Stepsister Matilda Johnston Moore on her older stepbrother
1-5. Cousin Dennis Hanks on Lincoln's early life
1-6. John Hanks reminisces about his younger cousin
1-7. Clarissa Tuft Vannattin tells how Lincoln helped her sister
1-8. Horace Greeley on Lincoln's education
1-9. James C. Ambrose on "Choosing 'Abe' Captain"
1-10. Best friend Joshua Speed on Lincoln's early career
1-11. Fellow lawyer and friend Leonard Swett recounts two versions of meeting Lincoln
1-12. Hamilton Wright Mabie on Lincoln as a man of letters
1-13. "Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?" / William Knox
1-14. "My child-hood home I see again" / Abraham Lincoln
1-15. Correspondence between Joshua Speed and Lincoln about their marriages
1-16. Ida M. Tarbell on Lincoln's rise in national stature
1-17. Correspondence between Grace Bedell and Lincoln about his beard
1-18. Lincoln says farewell to the citizens of Springfield

pt. 2. The 16th president : great emancipator and commander-in-chief
2-1. James Russell Lowell on Lincoln as President
2-2. Nathaniel Hawthorne on meeting Lincoln
2-3. "We are coming Father Abraham, or, Three hundred thousand more : inscribed to our volunteers" / James Sloan Gibbons
2-4. James Shrigley recalls Lincoln appointing him hospital chaplain
2-5. Thomas T. Eckert remembers Lincoln at the War Department
2-6. The Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society congratulates Lincoln on emancipation
2-7. Frederick Douglass recalls Emancipation Day
2-8. Correspondence between President Lincoln and the Chicago Sanitary Commission
2-9. Francis B. Carpenter on painting The First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation
2-10. James Abram Garfield on the Emancipation Proclamation
2-11. "The Emancipation Group" / John Greenleaf Whittier
2-12. E.W. Andrews accompanies Lincoln to Gettysburg
2-13. Jacob Hoke on Lincoln at Gettysburg
2-14. Excerpt from "The Gettysburg Ode" / Bayard Taylor
2-15. James Speed recalls Lincoln discharging a mother's sons from the army
2-16. Harriet Beecher Stowe shares her impressions of Lincoln
2-17. Sojourner Truth on meeting Lincoln
2-18. Joshua Speed remembers one of his last visits with Lincoln
2-19. Elizabeth Keckley remembers Lincoln's second inaugural
2-20. William H. Crook on Lincoln's trip to Richmond near the War's end

2-21. A news account of Lincoln's visit to Richmond
2-22. Charles Carleton Coffin describes the President's entry into Richmond
2-23. A report on the "Ax incident"
pt. 3. The man behind the legend
3-1. Elizabeth Keckley describes some domestic scenes
3-2. Noah Brooks and William H. Crook on Lincoln and Tad
3-3. Francis B. Carpenter describes Lincoln's love of Shakespeare
3-4. Leonard Wells Volk on sculpting Lincoln
3-5. "On the life-mask of Abraham Lincoln" / Richard Watson Gilder
3-6. David R. Locke recounts conversations with Lincoln
3-7. Henry Villard describes Lincoln's storytelling
3-8. Albert B. Chandler on Lincoln's hair and newsboys
3-9. Henry Clay Whitney relates a Lincoln quip about weighty men
3-10. Alexander K. McClure shares popular anecdotes about Lincoln
pt. 4. The death of Lincoln
4-1. William H. Crook remembers Lincoln's last day
4-2. Walt Whitman describes the scene of the assassination
4-3. Edwin M. Stanton gives a first-hand account of Lincoln's assassination
4-4. Maunsell B. Field describes the night of Lincoln's death
4-5. Elizabeth Keckley on hearing of his death

4-6. "the sorrow of the people" from the Chicago Tribune
4-7. Americans recall where they were : Caroline Richards, Lucretia Mott, and Jane Addams
4-8. "The death of Lincoln" / William Cullen Bryant
4-9. Eulogy by Ralph Waldo Emerson, April 19, 1865
4-10. Eulogy by Henry Ward Beecher, April 23, 1865
4-11. Eulogy by Phillips Brooks, April 23, 1865
4-12. Eulogy by Seth Sweetser, April 23, 1865
4-13. Eulogy by Matthew Simpson, May 4, 1865
4-14. Eulogy by Charles Sumner, June 1, 1865
4-15. From "Ode recited at the Harvard Commemoration" / James Russell Lowell
4-16. Poems by Walt Whitman
pt. 5. Tributes and legacy
5-1. Remembrance / Mary Todd Lincoln
5-2. William H. Herndon gives his impressions of Lincoln's character
5-3. Horace Greeley on Lincoln's leadership
5-4. Tribute / Shelby M. Cullom
5-5. Tribute / Schuyler Colfax
5-6. Tribute / Frederick Douglass
5-7. Tribute / Ulysses S. Grant
5-8. William Tecumseh Sherman recalls his last meeting with Lincoln
5-9. Tribute / Walt Whitman
5-10. Robert G. Ingersoll on Lincoln's legacy
5-11. Tribute / Lyman Abbott
5-12. "Abraham Lincoln" / Rose Terry Cooke

5-13. "Lincoln, the man of the people" / Edwin Markham
5-14. "Lift every voice and sing" / James Weldon Johnson
5-15. "Lincoln" / Paul Laurence Dunbar
5-16. Jonathan P. Dolliver on Lincoln's legacy
5-17. Mark Twain on preserving Lincoln's birthplace
5-18. Tribute / Frederic Harrison
5-19. Tribute / Rutherford B. Hayes
5-20. Tribute / William McKinley
5-21. Tribute / Theodore Roosevelt
pt. 6. Centennial celebrations
6-1. "The man of peace" / Bliss Carman
6-2. Centennial celebration in Chicago, Illinois : J.A. Macdonald
6-3. Centennial celebration Chicago, Illinois : Emil G. Hirsch
6-4. Centennial celebration in Chicago, Illinois : A. J. Carey
6-5. Centennial celebration in Chicago, Illinois : J.W.E. Bowen
6-6. Centennial celebration in Chicago, Illinois : Frederick Dent Grant
6-7. Centennial celebration in Springfield, Illinois : Jean Adrian Jusserand
6-8. Centennial celebration in Peoria, Illinois : Kogoro Takahira
6-9. Centennial celebration in Bloomington, Indiana : Adlai E. Stevenson

6-10. Centennial celebration in Hodgenville, Kentucky : James Grant Wilson
6-11. Centennial celebration in New York New York : Joseph Hodges Choate
6-12. Centennial celebration in New York, New York : Booker T. Washington
6-13. Centennial celebration in New York, New York : Chauncey M. Depew
6-14. Centennial celebration in Washington, D.C. : Joaquim Nabuco
6-15. Centennial celebration in Manchester, England : Church Howe
6-16. "Lincoln on pennies" / Carl Sandburg
pt. 7. A selection of Lincoln's speeches and writings
7-1. Speech at Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854
7-2. "House divided" speech at Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858
7-3. Speech at Cooper Institute, New York, February 27, 1860
7-4. First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861
7-5. Letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862
7-6. Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863
7-7. Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 3, 1863
7-8. Gettysburg Address, November 19. 1863
7-9. Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865
Photo and illustration credits
Contact information for Lincoln groups : associations, educational institutes, landmarks and historic sites, libraries, museums, and other web resources related to Abraham Lincoln
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