

Map of Armenia
pt. 1. Animal tales
The tailless fox
The snake and the fish
The avenging frog
The invincible rooster
The fox who was deceived
The council of mice
The sparrow
The wolf and the lamb
Two foxes
pt. 2. Myths and legends
Snake child Otsamanuk and Arevamanuk, who angered the Sun
The flower of paradise
Seven stars
The Sun maiden Arev and the Fire Spirit Krag
How God taught the greedy priest a lesson
Blazing a trail
The blacksmith, the carpenter, and the farmer
The legend about Tiridates (Trdat) III
The mirror
Why the onion is bitter

pt.3. Fairy tales
Little Bear
Forty thieves
The beardless sorcerer and the King's son
The peasant's son and the King's daughter
Dzheiran-ogly, the deer's son
The extraordinary cucumber
pt. 4. Tales of everyday life
The good deed
The customer and the hatter
Know-it-all Tangik
The tale about a lazy man
Don't overstay your visit
The search for a lumma (penny)
You reap what you sow
The greedy priest
Lazy Tiuni and Uri the slug
The pitcher of gold
Lazy Hoory
Four amusing tales
The greatest sorrow in the world
The deaf man, the cripple, and the bald man
God, you didn't understand me
The peasant and his roof

pt. 5. Wits and dimwits
The golden apple
The master and the hired man
The shoemaker's debt
When my heart tells me
The donkey that swallowed the moon
The ne'er-do-well son
Death or freedom
A tall, tall tale
Brother Ax
Two brothers
The adventures of Silly Pugi
Silly Pugi and the egg-hatching Persians
Three brothers bring a complaint to Silly Pugi
Silly Pugi and his friend
Silly Pugi and the teacher
Pugi and his wife
The raven
Pugi and his neighbor
Appendix A : Armenian cuisine
Appendix B : Glossary
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