

Theory and method
Cultural studies and its theoretical legacies / Stuart Hall
The organization of education and of culture / Antonio Gramsci
The work of art in the age of its technological reproduction / Walter Benjamin
From work to text / Roland Barthes
Field of power, literary field and habitus / Pierre Bourdieu
Bourgeois hysteria and the carnivalesque / Peter Stallybrass and Allon White
Culture and policy / Tony Bennett
Banality in cultural studies / Meaghan Morris
Culture in space
Notes on the new town / Henri Lefebvre
Walking in the city / Michel de Certeau
Space, power and knowledge / Michel Foucault
Politics / Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet
Postmodernization, or the informatization of production / Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
'Naked bodies': experimenting with intimate relations among migrant workers in South China / Eric Ma and Hau Ling 'Helen' Cheng
Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy / Arjun Appadurai
The new subaltern: a silent interview / Gayatri Spivak
Traveling theory reconsidered / Edward Said
Imagined communities: nationalism's cultural roots / Benedict Anderson
The crisis of 'race' and raciology / Paul Gilroy
Science, nature and cyberculture
Ideas of nature / Raymond Williams
Gramophone / Friedrich A. Kittler
War of the worlds / Bruno Latour
A cyborg manifesto / Donna Haraway
Sexuality and gender
The independent woman / Simone de Beauvoir
Upping the anti (sic) in feminist theory / Teresa de Lauretis
Subversive bodily acts / Judith Butler
Axiomatic / Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
Consumption and the market
The culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception / Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer
What is art? / C.L.R. James
Subculture and style / Dick Hebdige
Public arts funding: who benefits? / Justin Lewis
History-spectacle-resistance / Russell A. Potter
Media and public spheres
Encoding, decoding / Stuart Hall
Rethinking the public sphere: a contribution to the critique of actually existing democracy / Nancy Fraser
The institutional matrix of romance / Janice A. Radway
The net and multiple realities / Jodi Dean.

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