

The gloom of the museum (1917) / John Cotton Dana
What is a museum? (1942) / Theodore Low
A twelve point program for museum renewal (1970) / Alma Wittlin
The museum, a temple or the forum (1971) / Duncan F. Cameron
Rethinking the museum: an emerging new paradigm (1990) / Stephen E. Weil
Museums in the age of deconstruction (1992) / Michael M. Ames
The real multiculturalism: a struggle for authority and power (1992) / Amalia Mesa-Bains
"Hey! That's mine": thoughts on pluralism and American museums (1992) / Edmund Barry Gaither
An agenda for museums in the twenty-first century (1999) / Harold Skramstad
The contextual model of learning (2000) / John H. Falk, Lynn D. Dierking
The museum's role in a multicultural society (1992) / Claudine K. Brown
Staying away: why people choose not to visit museums (1983) / Marilyn G. Hood
The visitors' bill of rights (2000) / Judy Rand
United states: a science in the making (1993) / C.G. Screven
Can museums be all things to all people? Missions, goals, and marketing's role (2000) / Neil Kotler, Philip Kotler
Museum exhibitions and the dynamics of dialogue (1999) / Kathleen McLean
Changing practices of interpretation (1997) / Lisa C. Roberts
Making meaning together: lessons from the field of american history (1993) / Lois H. Silverman
Is there method in our madness? Improvisation in the practice of museum education (1999) / Mary Ellen Munley
Mining the museum: an installation confronting history (1993) / Lisa G. Corrin
Evaluating the ethics and consciences of museums (1994) / Robert Sullivan
What is the object of this exercise? A meandering exploration of the many meanings of objects in museums (1999) / Elaine Heumann Gurian
Collecting then, collecting today: what's the difference? (2002) / Stephen E. Weil
Collections planning: pinning down a strategy (2002) / James B. Gardner, Elizabeth Merritt
Who cares? Conservation in a contemporary context (1999) / Carole Milner
A philosophical perspective on the ethics and resolution of cultural properties issues (1999) / Karen J. Warren
Deft deliberations (1991) / Dan L. Monroe, Walter Echo-Hawk
Deaccessioning: the american perspective (1991) / Marie C. Malaro
Creampuffs and hardball: are you really worth what you cost or just merely worthwhile? (1995) / Stephen E. Weil
The well-managed museum (1989) / Stephen E. Weil, Earl F. Cheit
Museum accountability: laws, rules, ethics, and accreditation (1991) / Willard L. Boyd
Toward a new governance (1997) / John Carver
Institution-wide change in museums (1993) / Will Phillips
Persistent paradoxes (1997) / Robert Janes.

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