

pt. I. Understanding autism spectrum and pervasive developmental disorders
1. Autism and pervasive developmental disorders : what we know
2. Who develops autism?
section 2.1. Is autism on the rise?
section 2.2. Why do more boys than girls develop autism?
3. Autism spectrum disorders : an overview
4. Types of autism spectrum disorders
section 4.1. Classical autism
section 4.2. Asperger syndrome
section 4.3. Rett syndrome
section 4.4. Childhood disintegrative disorder
section 4.5. Pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)
pt. II. Causes of autism spectrum disorders
5. What causes autism?
6. Genes : one of the suspected causes of autism
7. Autism and the measles, mumps, and Rubella vaccine : current evidence does not support a link
8. Autism and other environmental exposures
9. Immune system problems could be the cause of autism
10. Abnormal brain development and function linked to autism
section 10.1. Research on the biological basis of autism
section 10.2. Brain areas fail to work together in autism
section 10.3. Autism affects functioning of entire brain
section 10.4. Brain regions involving memory and emotion are larger in children with autism
section 10.5. Researchers find fewer neurons in the amygdala of males with autism
section 10.6. Nicotine receptors in the brain may play role in development of autism
11. Parent, pregnancy, and birth factors associated with risk of autism

pt. III. Conditions that may accompany autism spectrum disorders
12. Understanding genetic disorders that occur more frequently in people with autism
section 12.1. Tuberous sclerosis
section 12.2. Fragile X syndrome
section 12.3. Angelman syndrome
section 12.4. Landau-Kleffner syndrome
section 12.5. Prader-Willi syndrome
section 12.6. Williams syndrome
section 12.7. Tourette syndrome
13. Epilepsy often accompanies autism
14. Auditory processing disorder in people with autism
15. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with autism
16. Exceptional abilities in people with autism
section 16.1. Hyperlexia : exceptional reading abilities in young children
section 16.2. Savant syndrome : an extraordinary condition
pt. IV. Diagnosing and evaluating autism spectrum disorders
17. Signs of autism spectrum disorders
18. The importance of early autism diagnosis
19. Screening and diagnosing autism spectrum disorders
section 19.1. Guidelines for the screening and diagnosis of autism
section 19.2. Common autism screening tools and tests
section 19.3. Other assessments used in the diagnosis of autism
section 19.4. Medical tests used in diagnosing and evaluating autism
20. After the diagnosis : what comes next?
section 20.1. Ten things parents need to do after a diagnosis of autism
section 20.2. Moving forward with confidence after your child is diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder
section 20.3. Should you explain the diagnosis to your child with autism or Asperger syndrome?

pt. V. Treatments, therapies, and interventions for autism spectrum disorders
21. Your child's autism treatment team
22. Evaluating autism treatments : rules of thumb and questions to ask
23. Autism treatment options : an overview
24. Behavioral interventions
section 24.1. Improving behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders
section 24.2. Applied behavioral analysis (ABA)
section 24.3. Social stories : helping people with autism interpret social situations
25. Communication therapies
section 25.1. Communication and interaction in children with autism spectrum disorders
section 25.2. Picture exchange communication system
section 25.3. Facilitated communication : a largely discredited therapy
26. Sensory interventions
section 26.1. Sensory integration and motor therapies
section 26.2. Auditory integration training
27. Dietary interventions
section 27.1. Diet and vitamins in the treatment of autism
section 27.2. Secretin for autism : hope and disappointment
section 27.3. Is eliminating casein and gluten from a child's diet a viable treatment for autism?
28. Pharmacological interventions
section 28.1. Medications used in the treatment of autism
section 28.2. Risperdal approved to treat irritability associated with autism
section 28.3. Oxytocin in the treatment of repetitive behaviors and social cognition difficulties in adults with autistic disorders
29. Social intervention strategies
section 29.1. Son-Rise Program : encouraging love and acceptance of children
section 29.2. Daily life therapy (Higashi) : educating children with autism through physical activity, academic activity, and vocational training
30. Occupational therapy in the treatment of autism
31. Music therapy and individuals with autism spectrum disorders

pt. VI. Family and lifestyle issues for people with autism
32. Autism's effect on family relationships
section 32.1. Stress on families of autistic children
section 32.2. Helping siblings understand autism and encouraging positive relationships
33. Ensuring safety at home for people with autism
34. Understanding self-injurious behavior in people with autism
35. Personal care and grooming issues
section 35.1. Handling dressing and bathing issues with the autistic child
section 35.2. Tips for toilet training the autistic child
section 35.3. Tips for dealing with sleeping difficulties in autistic children
section 35.4. Tips for dealing with eating difficulties in autistic children
section 35.5. Dental care for children with autism
36. Encouraging successful play dates for autistic children
37. Integrating the autistic child into the world outside the home
section 37.1. Taking an autistic child to the grocery store
section 37.2. Making medical appointments less challenging for children with autism
section 37.3. Autism and airport travel safety trips
38. Handling puberty in children with autism spectrum disorders

pt. VII. Education and independence issues for people with autism
39. A guide to the individualized education program
40. Treatment and education of autistic and related communication handicapped children (TEACCH) and structured teaching
Section 40.1. Autism teaching methods : TEACCH
section 40.2. Structured teaching
41. School transitions and the autistic child : planning for successful transitions across grade levels
42. Transition planning for life after high school : a team effort
43. Postsecondary education for people with autism
section 43.1. Preparing for post-secondary education if you have disabilities : know your rights and responsibilities
section 43.2. Lessons learned : a parent's report regarding her son's first year at college
44. Adults with autism spectrum disorders : living and working arrangements
section 44.1. Living arrangements for adults with autism spectrum disorders
section 44.2. Accommodating employees with Asperger syndrome
45. Estate planning for parents of autistic children
pt. VIII. Additional help and information
46. Glossary of terms related to autism spectrum disorders
47. How to evaluate health information on the Internet
48. Resources for information about autism spectrum disorders

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