

A grand tour of terra incognita : the spinal cord. Skull marrow : first thoughts about the mind
Servants and guards of the great king : the classical brain
The brain as geography : maps of the mind
A river runs through it : the development of a brain
Leonardo's butterfly : the spinal cord
Interlude : the worm that turned (over).

An assault on the senses : the brain stem. A forest so dense : the new anatomy of Santiago Ramón y Cajal
The little fish who never grew up : the origins of the ear
The brain as archaeology : the hindbrain
Beauty is in the eye of the, er, squid : the origins of the eye
Hillocks, buttocks, blindsight, and black stuff : the midbrain
Stinkin' and thinkin' : the origins of the nose
Into the marriage chamber for some sexy synesthesia : entering the forebrain
Why is "D" brown? : when the senses mix
Interlude : shrapnel and magnets.

Where all the mind may be found? : the cortex. The brain as engineering : Wilder Penfield and the cortex
The apparent disorder of the cerebral jungle : what is in those hemispheres?
The seahorse and the almond : memory, learning, and fear
The hard question : brain size and consciousness
Epilogue : no turning back.

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