

1. Body shopping at both ends of life: babies and bones for sale
A global market in baby-making
Exploitation, justice and freedom of choice
The unlovely bones
2. What makes you think you own your body?
The case of John Moore
How much work does it take to make a spleen?
Donors or dupes?
3. With love at Christmas: a set of stem cells
Totally safe and harmless?
Benefits or risks for the baby?
Waste not, want not
Whose blood is it anyway?
Cord blood, the cure-all?
4. Stem cells, holy grails and eggs on trees
A piece of Science fiction
Stem cell research: hype and reality
A risky endeavour and A fait accompli
To pay or not to pay: is that the question?

5. Genomes up for grabs: or, could Dr. Frankenstein have patented his monster?
Can you take out a patent on life?
Invention or discovery? The case of Diamond v. Chakrabarty
Where do we go from here?
Resistance is not futile: the case of Tonga
The French disconnection
6. The biobank that likes to say 'no'
Possession is ten-tenths of the law: the Catalona case
Two steps back or one step forward?
Catalona revisited: the appeal court judgment
7. Buying the 'real me': shopping for a face
Venus envy
It may be someone else's face, but when I look in the mirror I see me
The face: just another part of the body?
A cautionary tale: the aftermath of the first human hand transplant
The 'real me': what money can't buy
8. My body, my capital?
Organs for sale, one careful (and unwilling) owner
The tragedy of the genetic commons
Why we all have female bodies now.

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