

History as class struggle [1848] ; Materialism and the theory of ideology [1846] / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
The class basis of politics and revolution [1852] / Karl Marx
The origin of modern capitalism [1920] / Max Weber
Power divisions as the basis of class conflict [1959] / Ralf Dahrendorf
A theory of inequality [1966] / Gerhard E. Lenski
A conflict theory of stratification [1975] / Randall Collins
Social exchange among equals and unequals [1961] / George C. Homans
Bounded rationality and satisficing [1958] / James G. March and Herbert A. Simon
Tacit coordination [1962] / Thomas C. Schelling
Public goods and the free rider problem [1965] / Mancur Olson
The realization of effective norms [1990] / James S. Coleman
Precontractual solidarity [1893] ; Social rituals and sacred objects [1912] / Emile Durkheim
The social circulation of sentiments, magic, and money [1906-1934] / Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss
Kinship as sexual property exchange [1949] / Claude Levi-Strauss
The nature of deference and demeanor [1956] / Erving Goffman
Social control in science [1965] / Warren O. Hagstrom
Grid and group [1973] / Mary Douglas
Society is in the mind [1902] / Charles Horton Cooley
Thought as internalized conversation [1934] / George Herbert Mead
Symbolic interactionism [1969] / Herbert Blumer
The ethnomethodology of the human reality constructor [1975] / Hugh Mehan and Houston Wood
Frame analysis [1974] / Erving Goffman.

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