

Tales of mediation: narrative and digital media as cultural tools / Ola Erstad and James V. Wertsch
Digital storytelling, media research and democracy: conceptual choices and alternative futures / Nick Couldry
Boundaries and bridges: digital storytelling in education studies and media studies / Kirsten Drotner
"It's good for them to know my story": cultural mediation as tension / Nancy Thumim
Mediatized lives: autobiography and assumed authenticity in digital storytelling / Brigit Hertzberg Kaare and Knut Lundby
Self-presentation through multimedia: a Bakhtinian perspective on digital storytelling / Mark Evan Nelson and Glynda A. Hull
Digital storytelling as a "discursively ordered domain" / Kelly McWilliam
Identity, aesthetics, and digital narration / Lotte Nyboe and Kirsten Drotner
Narrative strategies in a digital age: authorship and authority / Larry Friedlander
Problems of expertise and scalability in self-made media / John Hartley
Agency in digital storytelling: challenging the educational context / Ola Erstad and Kenneth Silseth
Fairytale parenting: contextual factors influencing children's online self-representation / Elisabeth Staksrud
Creative brainwork: building metaphors of identity for social science research / David Gauntlett
Does it matter that it is digital? / Tone Bratteteig
Shaping the "me" in MySpace: the framing of profiles on a social network site / David Brake.

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