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Foreword / Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Foreword / Johan Galtung
Aged Population, Violence and Nonviolence Toward
Aggression and Altruism
Aggression, Psychology of
Alliance Systems
Animal Behavioral Studies, Non-Primates
Animal Behavioral Studies, Primates
Animals, Violence Toward
Anthropology of Violence and Conflict, Overview
Arms Control
Arms Control and Disarmament Treaties
Arms Production, Economics of
Arms Trade, Economics of
Assassinations, Political
Balance of Power Relationships
Behavioral Psychology of Killing
Biochemical Factors in Aggression and Violence
Chemical and Biological Warfare
Child Abuse
Childrearing, Violent and Nonviolent
Children, Impact of Television on
Civil Liberties and Security
Civil Society
Civil Wars
Clan and Tribal Conflict
Class Conflict in Capitalist Society
Climate Change: Cooperation and Human Security
Cold War
Collective Emotions in Warfare
Collective Security
Colonialism and Imperialism
Combatting Bioterrorism
Communication Studies, Overview
Conflict Management and Resolution
Conflict Theory
Conflict Transformation
Conformity and Obedience
Conscientious Objection, Ethics of
Cooperation, Competition, and Conflict
Correlates of War
Crime and Drug Control Policies in the United States and Japan
Crime and Punishment, Changing Attitudes Toward
Criminal Behavior, Theories of
Criminology, Overview
Critiques of Violence
Cultural Anthropology Studies of Conflict
Cultural Defense
Cultural Studies, Overview
Death Penalty, Overview
Decision Theory and Game Theory
Declarations of War
Dictatorships and Authoritarian Regimes, Insurrections against
Draft, Resistance and Evasion of
Drugs and Violence in the USA
Economic Causes of War and Peace
Economic Conversion
Economic Costs and Consequences of War
Economics of War and Peace, Overview
Emotion and Violence in Adolescence
Enemy, Concept and Identity of
Enlisting in the US Army: Institutional and Occupational Motives
Ethical and Religious Traditions, Eastern
Ethical and Religious Traditions, Western
Ethical Studies, Overview (Eastern)
Ethical Studies, Overview (Western)
Ethnic Conflicts and Cooperation
Ethnicity and Identity Politics
Ethnopolitical Conflict, Misperceptions and Miscommunication in
Evil, Concept of
Evolution of Violence
Evolution, Violence and Novel Environmental Factors
Evolutionary Theory
Family Structure and Family Violence
Feminist and Peace Perspectives on Women

Gandhi and His Legacies
Gender Studies
Genocide and Democide
Globalization: Its Diverse Actors and Spaces
Guerrilla Warfare
Hate Crimes
Health Consequences of War and Political Violence
Health Services, Effects of War and Political Violence on
Human Nature, Views of
Human Rights
I Mass Conflict: Participants'Attitudes
I Peace Organizations, Non-Governmental
Indigenous Peoples' Responses to Conquest
Industrial Versus Preindustrial Forms of Violence
Institutionalization of Non-Violence
Institutionalization of Violence
Intelligence Agencies and Issues
International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
International Relations, Overview
International Variations in Homicide and Warfare
Interpersonal Conflict, History of
Justifications for Violence
Just-War Criteria
Juvenile Crime
Language of War and Peace, The
Law and Violence
Legal Theories and Remedies
Linguistic Constructions of Violence, Peace, and Conflict
Long-Term Effects of War on Children
Mass Media and Dissent
Mass Media, General View
Means and Ends
Mediation and Negotiation Techniques
Mental Illness and Psychiatric Aspect of Violence
Militarism and Development in Underdeveloped Societies
Military Culture
Military Deterrence and Statecraft
Military-Industrial Complex, Contemporary Significance
Military-Industrial Complex, Organization and History
Minorities as Perpetrators and Victims of Crime
Moral Judgments and Values
Nationalism and Warfare
Neuropsychology of Motivation for Group Aggression and Mythology
Nongovernmental Actors in International Politics
Nonharmfulness (ahis{macr}a) in Classical Indian Thought
Nonkilling Political Science
Nonviolence Theory and Practice
Nonviolent Action
Nuclear Warfare
Nuclear Weapons Policies
Organized Crime
Peace Agreements
Peace and Democracy
Peace and The Arts
Peace Culture
Peace, Definitions and Concepts ofa
Peace Education: College and Universities
Peace Education, International Trends
Peace Education: Peace Museums
Peace Movements
Peace Prizes
Peace Studies, Overview
Peaceful Societies
Peacemaking and Peacebuilding
Police Brutality
Policing and Society
Political Economy of Violence and Nonviolence
Political Systems and Conflict Management
Political Theories
Popular Music
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma and Mental Disorders
Power, Alternative Theories of
Power and Deviance
Power, Social and Political Theories of.

Prevention of Violent Conflict by Structural Accommodation
Professional Versus Citizen Soldiery
Psychological Effects of Combat
Public Health Models of Violence and Violence Prevention
Punishment of Criminals
Reason and Violence
Religion and Peace, Inner-Outer Dimensions of
Religious Traditions, Violence and Nonviolence
Ritual and Symbolic Behavior
Secession and Separatism
Security Studies
Serial and Mass Murderers
Sexual Assault
Sexual Minorities, Violence Against
Social Control and Violence
Social Equality and Inequality
Social Psychology of Violence
Social Theorizing About War and Peace
Sociological Studies, Overview
Spirituality and Peacemaking
Structural Violence
Suicide and Other Violence Toward the Self
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Peace-Building Architecture
Technology, Violence, and Peace
Television Programming and Violence, International
Television Programming and Violence, US
Territorial Disputes
Theories of Conflict
Torture (State)
Total War, Social Impact of
Totalitarianism and Authoritarianism
Trade and the Environment
Trade, Conflict, and Cooperation Among Nations
Trade Wars (Disputes)
Transnational Organizations
United Nations, The
Urban and Community Studies
Urban Violence, Youth
Verification Regimes
Veterans in the Political Culture
Violence as Solution, Culture of
Violence Prediction
Violence to Children, Definition and Prevention of
Violent Conflict: Contemporary Warfare, Mass Violence and Genocide
Dataset 1985-2005, Typologies, and Trends
War Crimes
Warfare and Military Studies, Overview
Warfare, Modern
Warfare, Strategies and Tactics of
Warfare, Trends in
Warriors, Anthropology of
Weaponry, Evolution of
Women and War
Women, Violence Against
World Governance
World War I
World War II
Youth Violence.

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