

Periplus of the Erythraean Sea / Anonymous
The destruction of Kush / Ezana
Trade in Ethiopia / Cosmos Indicopleustes
China's discovery of Africa / Tuan Ch'ēng-shih
The founding of Kilwa / João de Barros
The East African coast in 1331 / Ibn Battuta
The East coast of Africa at the beginning of the sixteenth century / Duarte Barbosa
Theland of Prester John / Françisco Alvarez
The Wazimba / João dos Santos
From Tete to Kilwa / Gaspar Bocarro
Portuguese missionaries in Ethiopia / Father Lobo
Sheik Adlan and the Black Horse Cavalry of Sennar / James Bruce
Shendi / John Lewis Burckhardt
Unyamwezi and Buganda / John Hanning Speke
Khartoum and the Nilotic slave trade / Sir Samuel Baker
King Munza / George Schweinfurth
The Sultan and Mombasa / Salim al-Mazrui
Court life in Buganda / Sir Apolo Kagwa
The Maji Maji Rebellion, 1905-1907 / Records of Maji Maji
Flight of the Ekirimbi / Ruhanantuka
Kabaka Mutesa I / Ernest Linant de Bellefonds
The Sayyid's reply / Mohammed Abdille Hasan
White man's country / Lord Delamere

The Indians in Kenya / The Devonshire White Paper
Meeting at Nyeri, July 26, 1952 / Jomo Kenyatta
Kenya as a nation, July 23, 1962 / Tom Mboya
The last Sultan of Darfur / Ali Dinar
British rule in the Sudan / Sir John Maffey
The problem of the Southern Sudan : the Addis Ababa Agreement, February 27, 1972
The genesis of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLAM) / John Garang de Mabior
At the League of Nations, June June 30, 1936 / Haile Selassie
Charter of the Organization of African Unity, May 25, 1963
Unity : foundation of our independence and strength, May 1, 1988 / The Deng and Mengistu Haile Mariam
Not yet Uhruh, October 25, 1969 / Oginga A. Odinga
The Arusha Declaration, January 29, 1967 / Julius K. Nyerere
The Common Man's Charter : first steps for Uganda to move to the left, December 18, 1969 / Apollo Milton Obote.

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