

The author. Dennis Porter and the question of the television author / Rosalind Coward ; To desire differently : femminism and the French cinema / Sandy Flitterman-Lewis ; The unauthorized auteur today / Dudley Andrew
Film language/specificity. The specificity of media in the arts / Noël Carroll ; For a semio-pragmatics of film / Roger Odin ; The scene of the screen : envisioning cinmatic and electronic "presence" / Vivian Sobchack
The image and technology. Necessities and constraints : a pattern of technological change / Brian Winston ; Projections of sound on image / Michel Chion ; Modes of production : the televisual apparatus / John T. Caldwell
Text and intertext. Question of genre / Steve Neale ; A semantic/syntactic approach to film genre / Rick Altman ; The "force-field" of melodrama / Stuart Cunningham ; Film bodies : gender, genre and excess / Linda Williams
The question of realism. The cinema of attraction : early film, its spectator and th avant-garde / Tom Gunning ; Black American cinema : the new realism / Manthia Diawara
Alternative aesthetics. Towards a third cinema / Fernando Solanas and Octavio Gettino ; For an imperfect cinema / Julio García Espinosa ; Towards a critical theory of Third World films / Teshome H. Gabriel ; Rethinking women's cinema : aesthetics and feminist theory / Teresa de Lauretis
The historical spectator/audience. Cowboys and Indians : perceptions of Western films among American Indians and Anglos / Jo Ellen Shively ; Television news and its spectator / Robert Stam ; Addressing th spectator of a "Third World" national cinema : the Bombay "social" film of the 1940s and 1950s / Ravi S. Vasudevan
Apparatus theory. The imaginary signifier / Christian Metz ; The orthopsychic subject : film theory and the reception of Lacan / Joan Copjec ; Feminism, film theory and the bachelor machines / Constance Penlet
The nature of the gaze. Visual pleasure and narrative cinema / Laura Mulvey ; Film and the masquerade : theorizing the female spectator / Mary Ann Doane ; The oppositional gaze : Black female spectators / bell hooks ; Looking awry / Slavoj Žižek
Class and the culture industries. Constituents of a theory of the media / Hans Magnus Enzensberger ; Ideology, economy and the British cinema / John Hill ; Mass culture and the feminine : the "place" of television in film studies / Patrice Petro
Stars and performance. Heavenly bodies : film stars and society / Richard Dyer ; The she-man : postmodern bi-sexed performance in film and video / Chris Straayer ; Roseanne : unruly woman as domestic goddess / Kathleen K. Rowe ; Marlon Brando in On the waterfront / James Naremore
Permutations of difference. Gender and culture of empire : toward a feminist ethnography of the cinema / Ella Shohat ; Fantasies of the master race : categories of stereotyping of American Indians infilm / Ward Churchill ; Cultural identity and cinematic representation / Stuart Hall ; White privilege and looking relations : race and gender in feminist film theory / Jane Gaines ; White / Richard Dyer
The politics of postmodernism. Television and postmodernism / Jim Collins ; Critical and textual hypermasculinity / Lynne Joyrich ; "In my Weekend-only world ..." : reconsidering fandom / Henry Jenkins.

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