

Women and education / Kenneth Charlton
Religion and the construction of the feminine / Diane Willen
Women, property and law / Tim Stretton
Women and work / Sara H. Mendelson
Women and writing / Margaret J.M. Ezell
Isabella Whitney, A sweet nosegay / Patricia Brace
Mary Sidney, countess of Pembroke, Psalmes / Debra K. Rienstra
Aemilia Lanyer, Salve deus rex judaeorum / Susanne Woods
Elizabeth Cary, The tragedy of Mariam and history / Elaine Beilin
Mary Wroth, The countess of Montgomery's Urania / Naomi J. Miller
Margaret Cavendish, A true relation of my birth, breeding and life / Gweno Williams
Anna Trapnel, Anna Trapnel's report and plea / Hilary Hinds
Katherine Philips, Poems / Elizabeth H. Hageman
Aphra Behn, The rover, part one / Anita Pacheco
Mary Astell, critic of the marriage contract/social contract analogue / Patricia Springborg
Autobiography / Sheila Ottway
Defences of women / Frances Teague, Rebecca De Haas
Prophecy / Elaine Hobby
Women's poetry 1550-1700 : 'not unfit to be read' / Bronwen Price
Prose fiction / Paul Salzman
Drama / Sophie Tomlinson
The work of women in the age of electronic reproduction : the canon, early modern women writers and the postmodern reader / Melinda Alliker Rabb
Feminist historiography / Margo Hendricks.

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