@article{328663, author = {Sinclair, Upton,}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/328663}, title = {Oil! : a novel /}, publisher = {Penguin Books,}, abstract = {After writing The Jungle, his scathing indictment of the meatpacking industry, Sinclair turned his sights on the early days of the California oil industry in a highly entertaining story featuring a cavalcade of characters including senators, oil magnets, Hollywood film starlets, and a crusading evangelist. This lively and panoramic book, which was recently cited by David Denby in the New Yorker as being Sinclair's "most readable" novel, is now the inspiration for the Paramount Vantage major motion picture, There Will Be Blood.}, recid = {328663}, pages = {548 p. ;}, address = {New York :}, year = {2007}, }