

Types of painting
The profession of painter
Social status and reputation

1. Early Sienese painting (1260-1300)
Early Maesta
Other sacred art
Secular art

2. The 'golden age' of Sienese painting (1300-1355)
Duccio's Maesta
Altarpieces for the city's churches
Civic art in the Palazzo Pubblico
Paintings for the friars
Altarpieces for the cathedral
Private art

3. Crises, changes and continuities: Sienese painting (1355-1420)
The Spedale and its patronage of art
San Leonardo al Lago
Bartolo Fredi at Montalcino
More altarpieces for the cathedral
The cathedral sacristy: frescoes and furnishings
Diversity and versatility
Saint Catherine of Siena

4. Renaissance painting in Siena (1420-1480)
New ways of honouring the virgin
Celebrating new saints
Paintings for the Spedale
Paintings for the cathedral baptistery
Paintings for the Palazzo Pubblico
Renaissance altarpieces
Paintings for the private 'chamber'
Siena and renaissance Italy

5. The later renaissance in Siena (1480-1555)
Collaboration in the Bichi chapel
The Piccolomini library
The 'magnificent chamber' of Pandolfo Petrucci
Portraits and painted furnishings
Palace embellishment - The oratory of Saint Bernardino
Continuing the cult of Saint Catherine
Three altarpiece commissions
Civic piety in the Palazzo Pubblico.

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