

The moral status of human embryos with special regard to stem cell research and therapy / Øyvind Baune, Ole Johan Borge, Steinar Funderud, Dagfinn Føllesdal, Gunnar Heiene, and Lars Østnor
Part I Biological and Medical Perspectives
Stem cells: sources and clinical applications / Steinar Funderud
Alternative means to obtain pluripotent stem cells / Ole Johan Borge
Neurogenesis and potential use of stem cells from adult human brain / Havard Ølstørn, Morten C. Moe. Mercy Varghese, and Iver A. Langmoen
Can we use human embryonic stem cells to treat brain and spinal cord injury and disease? / Joel C. Glover
Stem cells, embryos and ethics: is there a way forward? / William B. Hurlbut
Part II Social and Political Perspectives
An intercultural perspective on human embryonic stem cell research / LeRoy Walters
Human embryo research: the European perspective / Egbert Schroten
Stem cells, pluralism and moral empathy / Theo A. Boer
Part III Philosophical Perspectives
The potentiality argument and stem cell research / Dagfinn Føllesdal
Can the distinction between the moral and the descriptive support a full moral standing of an embryo? / Øyvind Baune
The beginning of individual human life / Anthony Kenny
Embryonic stem cell research - arguments of the ethical debate in Germany / Ludger Honnefelder
The question of human cloning in the context of the stem cell debate / Otfried Höffe
Part IV Theological Perspectives
Stem cells from human embryos for research? The theological discussion within Christianity / Lars Østnor
Theological arguments in the human stem cell debate: a critical evaluation / Gunnar Heiene
Human embryos and embryonic stem cells - ethical aspects / Monika Bobbert.

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