

A note to readers on style
The life of Abraham Lincoln
Maps: Where Lincoln lived
Sites of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858
Route of Lincoln's train to Washington in 1861
Route of Lincoln's funeral train to Springfield
Pt. 1. Log cabin to White House. Early years / Mark Neely, Jr. ; Origins and influences / Allen C. Guelzo ; Family relationships / John Y. Simon ; Herndon's Lincoln / Douglas L. Wilson ; Lincoln and Clay / Robert Remini ; Those around him / David Herbert Donald ; The Springfield Junto / Adam Bellow ; Challenging the incumbent / John Splaine ; The debates / Harold Holzer ; Politics and mortality / Richard Current ; The Jonesboro debate / John Y. Simon

Pt. 2. Wartime president. Winning and governing / Doris Kearns Goodwin ; The gathering storm / David Herbert Donald ; An early plot against Lincoln / Stephen B. Oates ; Lincoln and Chase / John Niven ; Slavery, the Union, and war / John Niven ; The cost of war / Carl M. Cannon ; Economic principles / Lewis Lehrman ; An economic nationalist / Patrick J. Buchanan ; Lincoln on taxes / Charles Adams ; A predecessor's opposition / Peter Wallner ; Lincoln's White House / Harold Holzer ; Meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe / Paul Johnson ; Meeting Frederick Douglas / Michael Barone ; The transcontinental railroad / David Howard Bain ; Lincoln and the telegraph / Tom Wheeler ; Patriot, poet / Walter Berns ; Lincoln's writing / Wayne Fields ; War, weakness, and the Cabinet / Richard Norton Smith ; 1863: a most difficult year / Joseph E. Stevens ; Word from the battlefield / James Perry ; The Gettysburg Address / Gabor Boritt ; Oratory style / Garry Wills ; Thanksgiving / James Loewen ; Lincoln and Grant / Brooks D. Simpson ; The soldier's home / Matthew Pinsker ; Photographic imagery / David Ward ; At the end / Jay Winik ; Aftermath / Tom Schwartz ; The assassination / Edward Steers, Jr. ; Conspiracy / Roger Mudd ; The journey home / Richard Norton Smith ; Transporting Lincoln's body / H. W. Brands
Pt. 3. Character. Lincoln and religion / Allen C. Guelzo ; Faith and morality / Douglas L. Wilson ; Spiritual beliefs / Paul Johnson ; Genius / Shelby Foote ; Reluctant emancipator / Lerone Bennett, Jr. ; Lincoln and race / Mark Neely, Jr. ; The declaration's influence / Pauline Maier ; Complex and imperfect / Edna Greene Medford ; Lincoln's ambition / Richard Shenkman ; Fraternity and sexuality / Matthew Pinsker ; Lincoln's empathy / Doris Kearns Goodwin ; Commander in Chief / Eliot A. Cohen ; Tragic sensibility / Gordon S. Wood ; Enigma / Frank J. Williams

Pt. 4. In memory. Whitman's Lincoln / David Reynolds ; Depicting Lincoln / Robert Hughes ; Persistent rumors / Irving Bartlett ; Collecting Lincoln / Frank J. Williams ; Lincolniana / Louise Taper ; The Lincoln cult / Thomas Dilorenzo ; The Lincoln obsession / Andrew Ferguson ; Image and icon / Chas Fagan ; Lincoln's relevance / Mario Cuomo ; Lincoln's shadow / Merrill D. Peterson ; Lincoln in context / James M. McPherson
Pt. 5. Lincoln's words. House divided (1858) ; Lincoln-Douglas debate in Charleston, Illinois (1858) ; Cooper Union address (1860) ; First Inaugural Address (1861) ; The Emancipation Proclamation (1863) ; Gettysburg Address (1863) ; Second Inaugural Address (1865) ; Last address (1865)

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