

1. What is a robot?
2. Where do robots come from?
2.1. Control theory
2.2. Cybernetics
2.2.1. Grey Walter's tortoise
2.2.2. Braitenberg's vehicles
2.3. Artificial intelligence
3. What's in a robot?
3.1. Embodiment
3.2. Sensing
3.3. Action
3.4. Brains and brawn
3.5 Autonomy
4. Arms, legs, wheels, tracks, and what really drives them
4.1. Active vs. passive actuation
4.2. Types of actuators
4.3. Motors
4.3.1. Direct-current (DC) motors
4.3.2. Gearing
4.3.3. Servo motors
4.4. Degrees of freedom
5. Move it!
5.1. Stability
5.2. Moving and gaits
5.3. Wheels and steering
5.4. Staying on the path vs. getting there
6. Grasping at straws
6.1. Endeffectors
6.2. Teleoperation
6.3. Why is manipulation hard?
7. What's going on?
7.1. Levels of processing

8. Switch on the light
8.1. Passive vs. active sensors
8.2. Switches - 8.3. Light sensors
8.3.1. Polarized light
8.3.2. Reflective optosensors
8.3.3. Reflectance sensors
8.3.4. Infra red light
8.3.5. Modulation and demodulation of light
8.3.6. Break beam sensors
8.3.7. Shaft encoders
8.4. Resistive position sensors
8.4.1. Potentiometers
9. Sonars, lasers, and cameras
9.1. Ultrasonic or sonar sensing
9.1.1. Sonar before and beyond robotics
9.1.2. Specular reflection
9.2. Laser sensing
9.3. Visual sensing
9.3.1. Cameras
9.3.2. Edge detection
9.3.3. Model-based vision
9.3.4. Motion vision
9.3.5. Stereo vision
9.3.6. Texture, shading, contours
9.3.7. Biological vision
9.3.8. Vision for robots

10. Stay in control
10.1. Feedback or closed loop control
10.2. The many faces of error
10.3. An example of a feedback control robot
10.4. Types of feedback control
10.4.1. Proportional control
10.4.2. Derivative control
10.4.3. Integral control
10.4.4. PD and PID control
10.5. Feedforward or open loop control
11. The building blocks of control
11.1. Who needs control architectures?
11.2. Languages for programming robots
11.3. And the architectures are...
11.3.1. Time
11.3.2. Modularity
11.3.3. Representation
12. What's on your head?
12.1. The many ways to make a map
12.2. What can the robot represent?
12.3. Costs of representing
13. Think hard, act later
13.1. What is planning?
13.2. Costs of planning
14. Don't think, react!
14.1. Action selection
14.2. Subsumption architecture
14.3. Herbert, or how to sequence behaviors through the world

15. Think and act separately, in parallel
15.1. Dealing with changes in the world/map/task
15.2. Planning and replanning
15.3. Avoiding replanning
15.4. On-line and off-line planning
16. Think the way you act
16.1. Distributed representation
16.2. An example : distributed mapping
16.2.1. Toto the robot
16.2.2. Toto's navigation
16.2.3. Toto's landmark detection
16.2.4. Toto's mapping behaviors
16.2.5. Path planning in Toto's behavior map
16.2.6. Toto's map-following
17. Making your robot behave
17.1. Behavior arbitration : make a choice
17.2. Behavior fusion : sum it up
18. When the unexpected happens
18.1. An example : emergent wall-following
18.2. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
18.3. Components of emergence
18.4. Expect the unexpected
18.5. Predictability of surprise
18.6. Good vs. bad emergent behavior
18.7. Architectures and emergence
19. Going places
19.1. Localization
19.2. Search and path planning
19.3. SLAM
19.4. Coverage

20. Go, team!
20.1. Benefits of teamwork
20.2. Challenges of teamwork
20.3. Types of groups and teams
20.4. Communication
20.4.1. Kin recognition
20.5. Getting a team to play together
20.5.1. I'm the boss : centralized control
20.5.2. Work it out as a team : distributed control
20.6. Architectures for multi-robot control
20.6.1. Pecking orders : hierarchies
21. Things keep getting better
21.1. Reinforcement learning
21.2. Supervised learning
21.3. Learning by imitation/from demonstration
21.4. Learning and forgetting
22. Where to next?
22.1. Space robotics
22.2. Surgical robotics
22.3. Self-reconfigurable robotics
22.4. Humanoid robotics
22.5. Social robotics and human-robot interaction
22.6. Service, assistive and rehabilitation robotics
22.7. Educational robotics
22.8. Ethical implications

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