

Enclosure acts: framing women's bodies in Braddon's Lady Audley's secret / Elizabeth Langland
Braddon's commentaries on the trials and legal secrets of Audley court / Gail Turley Houston
Rebellious Sepoys and bigamous wives: the Indian mutiny and marriage law reform in Lady Audley's secret / Lillian Nayder
Marketing sensation: Lady Audley's secret and consumer culture / Katherine Montwieler
"An idle handle that was never turned, and a lazy rope so rotten": the decay of the country estate in Lady Audley's secret / Aeron Haynie
The espaliered girl: pruning the docile body in Aurora Floyd / Jeni Curtis
The dangerous woman: M.E. Braddon's sensational (en)gendering of domestic law / Marlene Tromp
Mary Elizabeth Braddon in Australia: queen of the colonies / Toni Johnson-Woods
"Our author": Braddon in the provincial weeklies / Jennifer Carnell and Graham Law
Misalliance: M.E. Braddon's writing for the stage / Heidi J. Holder
Braddon and victorian realism: Joshua Haggard's daughter / Pamela K. Gilbert
Fiction becomes her: representations of female character in Mary Braddon's The Doctor's wife / Tabitha Sparks
"Go and marry your doctor": fetishism and "redundance" at the fin de sic̀ˆle and the vampires of "Good Lady Ducayne" / Lauren M.E. Goodlad
Spectral politics: M.E. Braddon and the spirits of social reform / Eve M. Lynch
Electra-fying the female sleuth: detecting the father in Eleanor's victory and Thou art the man / Heidi H. Johnson
Afterword / Lyn Pykett.

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