

Lucca, 1430-94 : the politics of the restored republic / Michael E. Bratchel
Public policy and private profit : tax farming in fourteenth-century Lucca / Christine Meek
Archival inventorying in fourteenth-century Lucca : methodologies, theories, and practices / Antonio Romiti
Coluccio Salutati, Chancellor of the Republic of Lucca, and the problem of the Minute di Riformagioni Pubbliche (1370-71) / Giorgio Tori
Pisan consular families in the communal age : the Anfossi and the Ebriaci (or Verchionesi or da Parlascio) in the eleventh to thirteenth centuries / Maria Luisa Ceccarelli-Lemut
The political and economic relations of Pisa and the Guelph League in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries / Emilio Cristiani
Siena in the fourteenth century : state, territory, and culture / Mario Ascheri.

From development to crisis : changing urban structures in Siena between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries / Duccio Balestracci
Economy and society in souther Tuscany in the late middle ages : Amiata and the Maremma / Gabriella Piccinni.

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