Table of Contents
The Nazis' initial confiscation measures
Mounting obstacles to Jewish emigration, 1933
The Anschluss and Kristallnacht: accelerating aryanization and confiscation in Austria and Germany, 1938
Blocking Jewish accounts and preparations for mass confiscation, 1939
Destruction and plunder in the occupied East: Poland, the Soviet Union, and Serbia
Settling accounts in the wake of the deportations
Plunder by decree: the confiscation of Jewish property in German-occupied Western Europe
Sovereign imitations: confiscations by states allied to Nazi Germany
Receiving stolen property: neutral states and private companies
Seizure of property and the social dynamics of the Holocaust.
Mounting obstacles to Jewish emigration, 1933
The Anschluss and Kristallnacht: accelerating aryanization and confiscation in Austria and Germany, 1938
Blocking Jewish accounts and preparations for mass confiscation, 1939
Destruction and plunder in the occupied East: Poland, the Soviet Union, and Serbia
Settling accounts in the wake of the deportations
Plunder by decree: the confiscation of Jewish property in German-occupied Western Europe
Sovereign imitations: confiscations by states allied to Nazi Germany
Receiving stolen property: neutral states and private companies
Seizure of property and the social dynamics of the Holocaust.