

'A date which will live in infamy' : 1941 (FDR)
'The death of a president' : 1945 (FDR)
The end of World War II : 1945 (Harry S. Truman)
The Korean War : 1950-1953 (Truman)
The Vietnam War : 1964-1975 (Lyndon Johnson/Richard Nixon)
"Mission accomplished" : 2003-2007 (George W. Bush)
The hunt for WMDs : 2003-2005 (George W. Bush)
The birth of the U.N. : 1945 (Harry S. Truman)
Recognition of the State of Israel : 1948 (Harry S. Truman)
The Bay of Pigs : 1961 (John F. Kennedy)
The Cuban missile crisis : 1962 (John F. Kennedy)
The Iran hostage crisis : 1979-1980 (Jimmy Carter/Ronald Reagan)
'Star Wars' : 1981 (Ronald Reagan)
The Watergate affair : 1972-1974 (Richard M. Nixon)
Pardoning Nixon : 1974 (Gerald R. Ford)
The Iran-Contra Affair-1986-1989 (Ronald Reagan)
Monicagate : 1998-1999 (Bill Clinton)
School integration in Little Rock, Ark. : 1957 (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Kent State student protesters killed, 1970 (Richard M. Nixon)
Air traffic controller's strike -1981 (Ronald Reagan)
L.A. riots in Watts : 1992 (George H.W. Bush)
September 11, 2001 (George W. Bush)
Hurricane Katrina : 2005 (George W. Bush )
The Clarence Thomas controversy : 1991 (George H.W. Bush)
The "No Child Left Behind Act" : 2001 (George W. Bush)
Faith-based community initiative : 2002 (George W. Bush)
Evolution vs. "intelligent design"
The energy "malaise" speech : 1979 (Jimmy Carter)
"Reduce our dependence on foreign oil" : 2006 (George W. Bush)
Action on global warming : 2007 (George W. Bush).

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