

Rwanda's mixed season of hope (Jul 1994 - Apr 1995)
From Kibeho to the attack on Zaire (Apr 1995 - Oct 1996)
The Congo basin, its interlopers, and its onlookers (Zaire, Sudanese & Ugandans, Angolan conflict)
Winning a virtual war (Sep 1996 - May 1997)
Losing the real peace (Kabila, Luanda/Brazzaville, the DRC, Kivus, May 1997 - Aug 1998)
A continental war (Augu 1998 - Aug 1999, Kinshasa, Lusaka)
Sinking into the quagmire (Aug 1999 - Jan 2001, Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe, MONUC, Mzee)
Not with a bang, but with a whimper: the war's confused ending (Jan 2001 - Dec 2002)
From war to peace: Congolese transition and conflict deconstruction (Jan 2003-Jul 2007)
Groping for meaning: the "Congolese" conflict and the crisis of contemporary Africa
Seth Sendashonga's murder.

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