

pt. 1. The universe.
Our place in the universe : the realm of the galaxies
A view of the origin of the universe : evidence for an explosive beginning
Life from the cosmic cauldron : life history of a star ; creation of the chemical elements within stars
pt. 2. The solar system.
Formation of the conditions for life : planets and moons
Origins of a habitable planet : the moon as a record of early earth history
Prospects for life : is Mars a habitable planet?
Venus, our sister planet : the evolution of a hostile world
pt. 3. The earth.
Earth : composition and structure of a habitable planet
The changing face of an active habitable planet : explanation of earth's surface features
Climate change and the evolution of life : climate changes and earth history
pt. 4. Origin and history of life on earth.
The origin and evolution of life : life's beginnings and Darwin's theory of evolution
The early history of life on earth : from single cells to complex organisms
The development of higher life forms : the age of the reptiles and dinosaurs
pt. 5. Evolution of intelligent life.
The mammals : the rise of intelligence
The evolution of higher intelligence : growth of the brain
Are we alone in the universe? : humankind's place in the cosmic community
Appendix A : History of the earth
Appendix B : Periodic table of the elements.

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