

Introduction / Anthony Grafton
Establishing Principles
Poetic Wisdom. Poetic Metaphysics. Poetic Logic. Poetic Morality. Poetic Economics, or Household Management. Poetic Politics. Epitomes of Poetic History. Poetic Physics. Poetic Cosmography. Poetic Astronomy. Poetic Chronology. Poetic Geography
Discovery of the True Homer. The Search for the True Homer. Discovery of the True Homer
The Course of Nations. Three Kinds of Human Nature. Three Kinds of Customs. Three Kinds of Natural Law. Three Kinds of Government. Three Kinds of Language. Three Kinds of Symbols. Three Kinds of Jurisprudence. Three Kinds of Authority. Three Kinds of Reason. Three Kinds of Judgments. Three Schools of Thought. Further Proofs Drawn from the Properties of Heroic Aristocracies. Final Proofs Confirming the Course of Nations
The Resurgence of Nations and the Recurrence of Human Institutions
Conclusion of the Work: On the Eternal Natural Commonwealth, Best in its Kind, Ordained by Divine Providence.

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