Table of Contents
"Slave labor" in Brazil / Leonardo Sakamoto
Debt bondage and ethnic discrimination in Latin America / Eduardo Bedoya, Alvaro Bedoya, and Patrick Belser
Bonded labor in Pakistan / Ali Khan
The legacy of slavery in Niger / Ali R. Sékou and Saidou Abdoulkarimou
Trafficking for forced labor in Europe / Beate Andrees
Strengthening labor market governance against forced labor / Beate Andrees and Patrick Belser
Criminalizing human trafficking and protecting the victims / Rohit Malpani
Empowering communities: lessons from Tamil Nadu, India / Isabelle Guérin ... [et al.]
Improving forced labor statistics / Patrick Belser and Michaelle de Cock.
Debt bondage and ethnic discrimination in Latin America / Eduardo Bedoya, Alvaro Bedoya, and Patrick Belser
Bonded labor in Pakistan / Ali Khan
The legacy of slavery in Niger / Ali R. Sékou and Saidou Abdoulkarimou
Trafficking for forced labor in Europe / Beate Andrees
Strengthening labor market governance against forced labor / Beate Andrees and Patrick Belser
Criminalizing human trafficking and protecting the victims / Rohit Malpani
Empowering communities: lessons from Tamil Nadu, India / Isabelle Guérin ... [et al.]
Improving forced labor statistics / Patrick Belser and Michaelle de Cock.