

1. Introduction: the discipline and practice of qualitative research / Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln
pt. I. Locating the field. 2. Reform of the social sciences and of universities through action research / Davydd J. Greenwood and Morten Levin
3. Compositional studies, in two parts: critical theorizing and analysis on social (in)justice / Michelle Fine and Lois Weis
4. On tricky ground: researching the native in the age of uncertainty / Linda Tuhiwai Smith
5. Freeing ourselves from neocolonial domination in research: a Kaupapa Mäori approach to creating knowledge / Russell Bishop
6. Ethics and politics in qualitative research / Clifford G. Christians
7. Institutional Review Boards and methodological conservatism: the challenge to and from phenomenological paradigms / Yvonna S. Lincoln
pt. II. Paradigms and perspectives in contention. 8. Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluences / Egon G. Guba and Yvonna S. Lincoln
9. Critical ethnography: the politics of collaboration / Douglas Foley and Angela Valenzuela
10. Early millennial feminist qualitative research: challenges and contours / Virginia Olesen
11. The moral activist role of critical race theory scholarship / Gloria Ladson-Billings and Jamel Donnor
12. Rethinking critical theory and qualitative research / Joe L. Kincheloe and Peter McLaren
13. Methodologies for cultural studies: an integrative approach / Paula Saukko
14. Critical humanism and queer theory: living with the tensions / Ken Plummer
pt. III. Strategies of inquiry. 15. The practice and politics of funded qualitative research / Julianne Cheek
16. Performance ethnography: the reenacting and inciting of culture / Bryant Keith Alexander
17. Qualitative case studies / Robert E. Stake
18. The observation of participation and the emergence of public ethnography / Barbara Tedlock
19. Interpretive practice and social action / James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gubrium
20. Grounded theory in the 21st century: applications for advancing social justice studies / Kathy Charmaz
21. Critical ethnography as street performance: reflections of home, race, murder and justice / D. Soyini Madison
22. Testimonio, subalternity, and narrative authority / John Beverley
23. Participatory action research: communicative action and the public sphere / Stephen Kemmis and Robin McTaggart
24. Clinical research / William L. Miller and Benjamin F. Crabtree.

pt. IV. Methods of collecting and analyzing empirical materials. 25. Narrative inquiry: multiple lenses, approaches, voices / Susan E. Chase
26. Arts-based inquiry: performing revolutionary pedagogy / Susan Finley
27. The interview: from neutral stance to political involvement / Andrea Fontana and James H. Frey
28. Recontextualizing observation: ethnography, pedagogy, and the prospects for a progressive political agenda / Michael V. Angrosino
29. What's new visually? / Douglas Harper
30. Autoethnography: making the personal political / Stacy Holman Jones
31. The methods, politics, and ethics of representation in online ethnography / Annette N. Markham
32. Analytic perspectives / Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont
33. Foucault's methodologies: archeaology and genealogy / James Joseph Scheurich and Kathryn Bell McKenzie
34. Anayzing talk and text / Anssi Peräkylä
35. Focus groups: strategic articulations of pedagogy, politics, and inquiry / George Kamberelis and Greg Dimitriadis
pt. V. The art and practices of interpretation, evaluation, and presentation. 36. Relativism, criteria, and politics / John K. Smith and Phil Hodkinson
37. Emancipatory discourses and the ethics and politics of interpretation / Norman K. Denzin
38. Writing: a method of inquiry / Laurel Richardson and Elizabeth Adams St. Pierre
39. Poetics for a planet: discourse on some problems of being-in-place / Ivan Brady
40. Cultural poesis: the generativity of emergent things / Kathleen Stewart
41. "Aria in time of war": investigative poetry and the politics of witnessing / Stephen J. Hartnett and Jeremy D. Engels
42. Qualitative evaluation and changing social policy / Ernest R. House
pt. VI. The future of qualitative research. 43. Afterthought: On writing ; On Writing sociology / Zygmunt Bauman
44. Refunctioning ethnography: the challenge of an anthropology of the contemporary / Douglas R. Holmes and George E. Marcus
Epilogue: The eighth and ninth moments: qualitative research in/and the fractured future / Yvonna S. Lincoln and Norman K. Denzin.

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