

Prologue. Ordinary disorder
1. Diagnosing organizational dysfunction in policing
Discerning management failure
Defining failure
The analysis of failure : searching for suspects
Categories of failure
Applying the categories
Going forward
2. Normal accidents in law enforcement : making sense of things gone wrong
Normal accidents
Congenital error in organizations
The "at-risk" law enforcement agency
Runaway police van at the holiday parade
The obscure origins of normal accidents
The tragedy of Eleanor Bumpurs
Criminal and organizational post-mortems
Identifying normal accident characteristics
Pursuit to the death in Minnesota
High speed pursuit of the normal accident
"Normal accident" as residual explanation for failure
3. Structural failure in law enforcement : design defects in organization
Basic structures of organization
The haphazard design of organizations
Viewing organizations realistically
Cases of structural failure
Battling bureaucracies in Boulder
Challenging case ; Challenged agencies
Resource limitations of smaller departments
Dealing with hierarchical dysfunction
Understanding inter-organizational fracture
Terrorist welcome wagon at the INS
Managing chronic task overload
The burden of conflicting mandates
The subordination of law enforcement
The Philadelphia police assault on MOVE
Miscommunication and crisis
The impact of "shadow structure" on organizations
Leading the structurally challenged agency

4. Oversight failure in law enforcement : marginalizing the guardians
The challenge to internal control
The watcher: internal affairs and the case of Michael Dowd
When the structure of oversight fails
The "independence" of internal affairs
The secret world of David Brame
Identification with the offender
Addressing domestic abuse by law enforcement officers
Zero tolerance and measured administrative response
In residence at Philadelphia internal affairs
Role modeling in internal affairs
Finding the correct vectors for oversight
5. Cultural deviation in law enforcement : closed worlds that damage agencies
The power of culture in policing
The concept of cultural deviation
LAPD blues : the case of Rampart CRASH
Unit transformations from supportive to subversive
The dangers of cultural autonomy
The Buddy Boys : Brooklyn's bandits in blue
Concentrating problem employees
The power of obstructionist cultural networks
Institutional racism as management policy
Antidotes : transparency and performing with integrity
Sexual predators in the Pennsylvania State Police
Peer privilege and cultural immunity
Dealing with deviant employees and supportive cultures
Summary : leading means managing culture

6. Institutionalization in law enforcement : running agencies for those within
Introspective, insulated and institutionalized
The FBI lab implodes
Mismanaging the interface of image and reality
Self-protection at the institutionalized agency
The historical roots of institutionalization
Profiling on the New Jersey Turnpike
Institutionalizing problematic practice
Agency-environment disconnects and institutionalization
Separated at birth? : the CIA and FBI spies
Sheltering marginal employees in institutionalized organizations
Curing institutionalization
7. Resource diversion in law enforcement : exploiting organizational systems
Creative expropriations and compromised agencies
Organizational commonalities and legal nuance
Winning the "disability lottery"
Profiling and reinforcing vulnerable systems
Getting a good deal on home improvements
The expansive definition of "mine" in the executive suite
The demoralizing impact of executive resource diversion
Justice for resource diverting executives
Profiling risk in the rising executive
The iron men and women of labor, law enforcement style
The negation of management by systems abuse
Organization as territory
Scanning for systems anomaly and abuse
The bottom line on resource diversion
Epilogue. Managing imperfection
When organizational failures have multiple causes
The needless sacrifices of 9/11
Saving tomorrow's heroes : why agencies must get better faster

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