

Introduction: Riddle me this

Does the Dark Knight always do right?
Why doesn't Batman kill the joker? / Mark D. White
Is it right to make a Robin? / James DiGiovanna
Batman's virtuous hatred / Stephen Kershnar
Law, justice, and the social order : where does Batman fit in?
No man's land : social order in Gotham City and New Orleans / Brett Chandler Patterson
Governing Gotham / Tony Spanakos
The Joker's wild : can we hold the Clown Prince morally responsible? / Christopher Robichaud
Origins and ethics : becoming the Caped Crusader
Batman's promise / Randall M. Jensen
Should Bruce Wayne have become Batman? / Mahesh Ananth and Ben Dixon
What would Batman do? : Bruce Wayne as moral exemplar / Ryan Indy Rhodes and David Kyle Johnson
Who is the Batman? (Is that a trick question?)
Under the mask : how any person can become Batman / Sarah K. Donovan and Nicholas P. Richardson
Could Batman have been the Joker? / Sam Cowling and Chris Ragg
Batman's identity crisis and Wittgenstein's family resemblance / Jason Southworth
What is it like to be a Batman? / Ron Novy
Being the Bat : insights from existentialism and taoism
Alfred, the Dark Knight of faith : Batman and Kierkegaard / Christopher M. Drohan
Dark nights and the call of conscience / Jason J. Howard
Batman's confrontation with death, angst, and freedom / David M. Hart
Friend, father
rival? : the many roles of the Bat
Why Batman is better than Superman / Galen Foresman
World's finest
friends? : Batman, Superman, and the nature of friendship / Daniel P. Malloy
Leaving the shadow of the Bat : Aristotle, Kant, and Dick Grayson on moral education / Carsten Fogh Nielsen
The tao of the Bat / Bat-Tzu.

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