

Pt. 1. Stars in your eyes
1. Midnight's children : the constellations
2. Empire of the sun : the Copernican picture of the world
3. Starry, starry night : the Whirlpool Galaxy
4. So, you wanna be a star : the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
5. The artful universe : nebulae
6. Omen 1054 : the Crab Nebula
7. A for Andromeda : the galaxy next door
8. Perfect pitch : Hubble's tuning-fork diagram
9. Some strangeness in the proportion : peculiar galaxies
10. When worlds collide : supernova 1987A
11. Runaway universes : Hubble's law
12. Tomorrow's worlds : Friedmann's universes
13. Blow up : the balloon universe
14. Deep heat : the COBE spectrum
15. When a proton meets a neutron : Big Bang nucleosynthesis
16. Blackout : the dark night sky
17. The tentacles of time : the CFA redshift survey
18. The final frontier : the Hubble deep field
19. The times they are a'changin' : space-time diagrams
20. All our yesterdays : our past light cone
21. Gravity's rainbow : the spectrum of the inflationary universe
22. The world is not enough : eternal inflation
23. Gravitational anonymity : black holes have no hair
Pt. 2. Spatial prejudice
1. One small step for man : the Earth from the Moon
2. Mapping the money : the Earth at night
3. The care and maintenance of a small planet : the ozone hole
4. Darkness at noon : eclipse
5. War of the worlds : Martian canals
6. Humanity's golden discs : the 'Pioneer' plaque and the 'Voyager' record
7. ET, phone home : flying saucers
8. Mister Bentley's feeling for snow : snowflakes
9. Up the airy mountain : Baron von Humboldt's ecology of plants
10. Rockin' all over the world : Smith's strata
11. Gone with the wind : weather maps
12. Walking with dinosaurs : the words and the pictures
13. Stepping out : Laetoli footprints
14. The first picture show : the flowering of illustration
15. Spectacular bodies : Vesalius and the human frame
16. A flea in your eye : the ingenious Mr Hooke
17. Did the earth move for you? : continents in motion
18. Show me the way to go home : Mercator's map of the world
19. Shapeliness : the symmetries of life
20. Making a splash : high-speed photography
Pt. 3. Painting by numbers
1. The famous five : platonic solids
2. Does God play football? : Bucky balls
3. Prime time : the sieve of Eratosthenes
4. The square on the hypotenuse : the bride's chair
5. The times of the signs + = x [division sign] =
6. A pile of numbers : Pascal's triangle
7. Chance and necessity : dice
8. The man who turned into a diagram : the Reverend John Venn
9. One-sided story : the Möbius strip
10. Cadmus and Harmonia : sines and cosines
11. Bridges over troubled water : chains and spans
12. Infinity : where God divides by zero
13. A new slant on infinity : Cantor's diagonal arguments
14. The plotters : the origins of the graph
15. The chartists : the enigma of variations
16. Doe, ray, me : the musical staff
17. Hypercubes : visualizing other dimensions
18. Take it to the limit : Koch's snowflake, Sierpinski's carpet, and Menger's sponge
19. World without end : the Mandelbrot set
20. Where things happen that don't : the impossible triangle
21. Seeing is believing : visual illusions
22. Two easy pieces : aperiodic tilings
23. The sign of four : the four-colour theorem
24. Your tube : the London Underground map
25. Lies, damned lies, and statistics : the importance of being normal
Pt. 4. Mind over matter
1. The acceptable face of science : Einstein as icon
2. Unweaving the rainbow : Newton's prism
3. Foetal attraction : Earth's magnetism is born
4. May the force field be with you : magnetic field liners
5. Great Dane : Bohr's atom
6. All human life is here : the periodic table
7. The lord of the rings : benzene chains
8. Like a circle in a spiral : DNA, the coil of life
9. All join hands : molecular architectures
10. Let it be : the binding energy curve
11. That hideous strength : the mushroom cloud
12. Writing on air : bubble chamber tracks
13. "Dick's funny little pictures" : Feynman diagrams
14. Band on the run : a universal triple point
15. The great universal catalogue : the sizes of everything
16. That crazy mixed-up cat : Schrödinger's cat paradox
17. Room at the bottom : the quantum corral
18. Quantum mirage : entangled photons
19. Déjà vu all over again : xerography
20. One thing leads to another : Moore's law
21. The secret of the sands : the sandpile.

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