

The golden key
The seven sabians
The wolf and the fox
Mother Holle
The water nixie
The Mouse, the bird, and the sausage
Thorn Rose, the sleeping beauty
The sweet porridge
The little shepherd boy
The twelve lazy servants
Lucky scraps
The cat and the fox
The soldier and his magic helpers
The good-for-nothings
the star dollars
A trip to Schlaraffenland
The three languages
The straw, the coal, and the bean
the sidhing table, the gold donkey, and the cudgel-in-the-sack
The tailor who went to heaven
Presents of the little folk
The three spinners
The six swans
The queen bee
The hedgehog and the rabit
The earth gnome
The three lucky ones
The sorcerer's apprentice
Iron Hans
Jorinda and Joringel
The wolf and the sevne little kids
The shoemaker and the elves.

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