

The race debate
Dispatches from the armchair: thinning out the concept of race : Concepts and conceptions, meanings and theories ; Conceptual border-drawing: a tale of two sets of twins ; Racial twin earth: an argument for a thin account ; Loose ends
Methodology: how should we figure out the shape of racial discourse? : Three methodologies ; The historical-expert approach ; Some potential objections to the folk approach ; Which folk?
The contours of racial discourse : Racial thinking, conceptual analysis, and the debate ; Some data ; The ordinary concept(s) and conception(s) of race
Breaking nature's bones : How race might be biologically real ; The ways we look ; Genetic racial realism ; Populationism, the mismatch objection, and beyond ; Race, medicine, and explanatory vindication ; Conclusion
Constructivism, revisionism, and anti-realism : The constructivist response to elimiativism ; The centrality of the biological ; The revisionist rejoinder
Reconstructionism : The normative question ; Reconstructionism articulated ; An initial defense ; Family rivalries: alternative substitutionist theories

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