

Lost and found
Why ants don't get lost at the mall : how humans and animals navigate space. Looking for targets : simple tactics for finding our way that we share with all other animals ; Looking for landmarks : how we search for the invisible by using the visible ; Looking for routes : how we try to keep track of where we are by noting where we have been ; Maps in the world : how expert navigators use specialized senses to find their way ; Maps in mouse minds : the mental maps of space possessed by animals ; Muddled maps in human minds : the peculiar nature of our mental maps and what it says about how we understand space
Making your way in the world today : how our mind shapes the places where we work, live, and play. House space : how our mental maps influence our behavior inside our homes ; Working space : how the geography of our mind influences our habits of work and play ; City space : how knowing (or not knowing) our place influences life in the city ; Cyberspace : how the nature of our mind makes it possible for us to live in electronic places ; Greenspace : how the features of our spatial brain influence our connections to, and neglect of, our natural environment ; The future of space.

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