

SECTION 1: HOPEWELL IN OHIO: Integrating mortuary and settlement data on Ohio Hopewell society / Paul J. Pacheco and William S. Dancey
A mobile Hopewell? Questioning assumptions of Ohio Hopewell sedentism / Frank L. Cowan
Middle Woodland settlements and social organizations in the Central Ohio Valley: were the Hopewell really farmers? / Richard W. Yerkes
The earthwork/habitation dichotomy: a central problem of Ohio Hopewell / A. Martin Byers
Enclosures and communities in Ohio Hopewell: an essay / N'omi B. Greber
The mounded landscapes of Ohio: Hopewell patterns and placements / Mark F. Seeman and James L. Branch
The Great Hopewell Road and the role of the pilgrimage in the Hopewell interaction sphere / Bradley T. Lepper
Water and mud and the recreation of the world / Ted S. Sunderhaus and Jack K. Blosser
Altering a middle Woodland enclosure: questions of design and environment / Robert V. Riordan
SECTION 2: HOPEWELL/MIDDLE WOODLAND OUTSIDE OHIO: Death rituals at the Tunacunnhee Site: middle Woodland mortuary practice in Northwestern Georgia / Richard W. Jefferies
Kolomoki: cycling, settlement patterns, and cultural change in a late middle Woodland society / Karl T. Steinen
The Mann Phase: Hopewellian community organization in the Wabash Lowland / Bret J. Ruby
The Goodall tradition: recent research and new perspectives / William L. Mangold and Mark R. Schurr
Between Goodall and Norton: middle Woodland settlement patterns and interaction networks in Southwest Michigan / Elizabeth B. Garland and Arthur L. DesJardins
Middle Woodland occupation in the Grand River Basin of Michigan / James G. Brashler, Michael J. Hambacher, Terrance J. Martin, Kathryn E. Parker, and James A. Robertson
Hopewell regional interactions in Southwestern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois: a core-periphery approach / Robert J. Jeske
Reconsidering the context of Hopewell interactions in Southwestern Wisconsin / James B. Stoltman
The land between the two traditions: middle Woodland societies of the American Bottom / Andrew C. Fortier
Kansas City Hopewell: middle Woodland on the Western frontier / Brad Logan
SECTION 3: NEW APPROACHES TO HOPEWELL MATERIAL CULTURE: The sources of Hopewell obsidian: forty years after Griffith / Richard E. Hughes
The place of nonmound debris at Hopewell Mound Group (33O27), Ross County, Ohio / Jarrod Burks and Jennifer Pederson
Rediscovering this Earth: some ethnogeological aspects of the Illinois Valley Hopewell Mounds / Julieann Van Nest
Visiting in the interaction sphere: ceramic exchange and interaction in the Lower Illinois Valley / Shannon M. Fie
Animal exploitation and the Havana tradition: a comparison of animal use at mound centers and hamlets in the Illinois Valley / Julie Zimmermann Holt
The enigmatic copper cutout from Bedford Mound 8 / Robert L. Hall
The Shamanic element in the Hopewell Period ritual / James A. Brown
SECTION 4: RECREATING HOPEWELL COMMENTARIES: Household, community, and subsistence in Hopewell research / Bruce D. Smith
Middle Woodland/Hopewell; a view from beyond the periphery / Robert Chapman.

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