Table of Contents
Every man in this village is a liar
Chasing ghosts
As long as you can pay for it
Terrorism and other stories
Forgive us our trespasses
The living martyr
The leader
We expected something better
A question of cost
Loddi doddi, we likes to party
A city built on garbage
The earthquake nobody felt
All things light, and all things dark
There would be consequences
Killing the dead
I thought I was a salamander.
Chasing ghosts
As long as you can pay for it
Terrorism and other stories
Forgive us our trespasses
The living martyr
The leader
We expected something better
A question of cost
Loddi doddi, we likes to party
A city built on garbage
The earthquake nobody felt
All things light, and all things dark
There would be consequences
Killing the dead
I thought I was a salamander.