

The contexts
The Temple of Solomon
The Temple of Solomon
Sacred origins of Jerusalem
The promised land
King David's city
The Ark of the Covenant
The threshing floor of Zion
The empire of David and Solomon
Solomon builds the temple
King Hiram of Tyre
The widow's son
A house for the name of God
The end of the temple
The new Christian empire
Pilgrimages to the Holy Land
Constantine and Arianism
Byzantines, Persians and Jihad
The Muslim conquests
From revelation to Jihad
Problems with Islamic history
Islamic imperialism and flourishing Christian heresies
The First Crusade
Arab divisions and decline
Perilous pilgrimages
The Turkish invasion : Byzantium appeals to the West
Pope Urban's call
Taking the cross
The first wave : the people's crusade
The second wave : the princes lead the way East
The reconquest of Jerusalem
The rise (1099 to 1150)
Origins of the Templars
The kingdom of Jerusalem
Outremer and its Muslim neighbours
The crusaders and Byzantium
Fear and massacre on the roads
The poor fellow-soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon
Templar mission to the West
Saviours of the East and defenders of all Christendom
The Second Crusade
Muslim friends and allies
The fall of Edessa
Bernard launches the Second Crusade
The Templars' role in the crusade
Fiasco at Damascus
The bitter aftertaste
The power (1150-1291)
Crusader castles
A power unto themselves
Templar castles
Merchant bankers
The Templars' ports and Mediterranean trade
The Templar banking network
International financial services
Vulnerable relationships with kings
Medieval heresy
Templars and Cathars
The Gnostics
Islamic dualism
The Assassins
The Templars and the Old Man of the Mountain
Saladin and the Templars
Amalric's Egyptian campaigns
Templar relations with the Kingdom of Jerusalem
The rise of Saladin
Factions in Outremer
The springs of Cresson
The horns of Hattin
Saladin takes Jerusalem
Looking back at the Temple Mount
Holding on
Jerusalem again
The rise of the Mamelukes
Catastrophe at La Forbie and the Seventh Crusade
Templar plans for defending the Holy Land
The fall of Acre
The last Templars in the East
The fall (1291-1314)
Exile from the Holy Land
Dreams and new realities
Waiting for the Mongols
Philip IV, the most Christian King
Pope Clement's new crusade, King Philip's new order
The last days
The trial
Accusation sand defamation
The King's motives
Spies, tortures and confessions
The Pope acts
Deadlock between Pope and King
The Pope hears the strange testimony of the Templars
The mystery of Chinon
The Chinon Parchment
The Templars rally
The suppression of the Templars
The burning of James of Molay
The aftermath
The survival of the Hospitallers
The Templars in Britain
the Order of Montesa
The Order of Christ in Portugal
The Templar archives
The immediate reaction
The romance of the Templars
Templars and witchcraft
Solomon's Temple and the Freemasons
Enlightenment and mystery
Freemasons and Templars
The revenge of James of Molay
A Scottish history for the Knights Templar
The Templars discover America
The New World Order
Skull and bones
The Templars forever
Jerusalem : the Old City
The Temple Mount
Tartus (Tortosa)
Safita (Chastel Blanc)
Krak des Chevaliers
Arwad (Ruad)
Paris : the Temple
Segovia : Church of Vera Cruz
Ponferrada : the Templar Castle
London : the Temple Church
Cressing Temple, Essex
Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland
Born again Templars
Rise of the Templar literary phenomenon
Templar novels
The Templars in movies
Templars on TV
Templars rock
Templar gaming
Further reading
History of the Templars
Medieval pilgrimages
History of the crusades
Crusader castles
Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
History of the Middle East
Templar locations in Britain
The Holy Grail
The Cathars, dualism and other heresies
Alternative history
Ancient and medieval history resources
The crusades
The Templars
The Chinon Parchment
The Ark of the Covenant
The Holy Grail
Gnosticism, Catharism and the occult

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