Table of Contents
Thinking globally
Global space, universal time : seeing the planetary atmosphere
Standards and networks : international meteorology and the RĂ©seau Mondial
Climatology and climate change before World War II
Numerical weather prediction
The infinite forecast
Making global data
The first WWW
Making data global
Data wars
Reanalysis : the do-over
Parametrics and the limits of knowledge
Simulation models and atmospheric politics, 1960-1992
Signal and noise : consensus, controversy, and climate change.
Global space, universal time : seeing the planetary atmosphere
Standards and networks : international meteorology and the RĂ©seau Mondial
Climatology and climate change before World War II
Numerical weather prediction
The infinite forecast
Making global data
The first WWW
Making data global
Data wars
Reanalysis : the do-over
Parametrics and the limits of knowledge
Simulation models and atmospheric politics, 1960-1992
Signal and noise : consensus, controversy, and climate change.