

What is Baroque? / Erwin Panofsky
The idea of the painter, the sculptor and the architect / Pietro Bellori Giovan
Fighting with style / Phillip Sohm
Bernini's conception of the visual arts: 'un bel composto' / Irving Lavin
Ars tornandi: Baroque architecture and the lathe / Joseph Connors
A taste for Tiepolo / Svetlana Alpers and Michael Baxandall
Practice in the Carracci Academy / Gail Feigenbaum
Artemisia in her father's house / Patrizia Cavazzini
Disegni, Bozzetti, Legnetti and Modelli in Roman Seicento sculpture / Jennifer Montagu
Architects and clods: the emergence of urban planning in the context of palace architecture in seventeenth-century Rome / Dorothy Metzger Habel
The mechanics of seventeenth-century patronage / Francis Haskell
Scrambling for scudi: notes on painters' earnings in early Baroque Rome / Richard Spear
The marketing of Pietro Testa's poetic inventions / Francesco Consagra
Inside the palace: people and furnishings / Patricia Waddy
A comment on the iconography of Pietro da Cortona's Barberini ceiling / Walter Vitzthum
Seeing the shroud: Guarini's reliquary chapel in Turin and the ostentation of a dynastic relic / John Beldon Scott
Myth and the new science: Vico, Tiepolo, and the language of the Optimates / Christopher Drew Armstrong
Problems of the theme / Rudolf Wittkower
Devotion and desire: the reliquary chapel of Maria Maddalena de'Pazzi / Karen-Edis Barzman
Pastoralism in the Roman Baroque villa and in Claude Lorrain: myths and realities of the Roman Campagna / Mirka Benes
The role of classical models in Bernini's and Poussin's preparatory work / Rudolf Wittkower
The Greek style and the prehistory of neoclassicism / Charles Dempsey
Piranesi and Francesco Bianchini: Capricci in the service of pre-scientific archaeology / Susan M. Dixon
Cigoli's Immacolata and Galileo's Moon: astronomy and the virgin in early Seicento Rome / Steven F. Ostrow
The rate of pictures: appearance, truth, and ambiguity / David Freedberg
Lodoli on function and representation / Joseph Rykwert.

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