

Zionism and security : Zionism beyond demonization ; The need for security ; Jewish socialism and Arab nationalism
The Hebrew Republic : The end of empire ; Defeat and victory in 1948 ; Exile and return
New immigrants and first elections : The survivors ; Jewish immigration into Palestine ; The first elections ; The dominance of Mapai
The politics of piety : The balancing act ; Who is a Jew? ; The arrival of the Sephardim
Retaliation or self-restraint : Ben-Gurion, Sharett and Dayan ; The developing schism ; Nasser's metamorphosis ; Stalin's embrace ; The return of Ben-Gurion ; The search for arms ; The road to Suez
The rise of the right : The Six Day war ; Destroying Mapai from within ; Out of the underground ; The ideology of occupation ; Judea and Samaria
The road to Beirut : Menachem Begin's leadership ; Who are the Palestinians? ; The reality of negotiations ; A more radical hue
Dissent at home and abroad : The end of consensus ; The peace camp ; Traditional Diaspora opinions ; A new assertive generation
An insurrection before a handshake : The man from Lehi ; A new path for the Palestinians ; The outbreak of the Intifada ; An Israeli awakening ; The fall and rise of ideology ; Constraining the Prime Minister ; From Kuwait to Madrid
The end of ideology? : The problem solver ; The Oslo breakthrough ; The PLO in crisis
The killing of a prime minister : The return of the rejectionists ; The right's backlash ; Rabbis and ayatollahs
The magician and the bulldozer : The virtual and the real Likud ; A return to Camp David ; A long walk to disaster ; The descent into the abyss
'He does not stop at the red light' : 2001: a Sharon odyssey ; The Palestinian struggle within ; Islamism ascending ; Disengagement from Gaza
An unlikely Grandfather : Ideology and evacuation ; Separating from the Palestinians ; Between pragmatism and ideology ; Olmert's arrival.

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