

Fourth series. The American tradition
The husbandman
High and ghostly matters : The cosmic secretariat ; The nature of faith ; The devotee ; The restoration of beauty ; End-product ; Another ; Holy clerks
Justice under democracy
Reflections on human monogamy : The eternal farce ; Venus at the domestic hearth ; The rat-trap ; The love chase ; Women as realpolitiker ; Footnote for suffragettes ; The helpmate ; The mime ; Cavia Cobaya ; The survivor ; The veteran's disaster ; Moral indignation ; The man and his shadow ; The balance-sheet ; Yearning
The politician
From a critic's notebook : Progress ; The iconoclast ; The artists' model ; The good citizen as artist ; Definitive judgments
Meditations in the Methodist desert : The new Galahad ; Optimist vs. Optimist ; Caveat for the defense ; Portrait of an ideal world
Essay in constructive criticism
On the nature of man : The animal that thinks ; Veritas Odium Parit ; The eternal cripple ; The test ; National characters ; The goal ; Psychology at 5 A.M. ; The reward ; The altruist ; The man of honor
On government
Toward a realistic aesthetic : The nature of art ; The one-legged art ; Symbiosis and the artist
Contributions to the study of vulgar psychology : The downfall of the Navy ; The mind of the slave ; The art eternal
The American novel
People and things : The capital of a great republic ; Ambassadors of Christ ; Bilder aus schöner Zeit ; The high seas ; The Shrine of Mnemosyne.

Fifth series. Four moral causes : Birth control ; Comstockery ; Capital punishment ; War
Four makers of tales : Conrad ; Hergesheimer ; Lardner ; Masters
In memoriam : W.J.B.
The hills of Zion
Rondo on an ancient theme
Protestantism in the Republic
From the files of a book reviewer : Counter-offensive ; Heretics ; The grove of academe ; The schoolma'm's goal ; The heroic age ; The woes of a 100% American ; Yazoo's favorite ; The father of service ; A modern masterpiece ; Sweet stuff
The fringes of lovely letters : Authorship as a trade ; Authors as persons ; Birth pangs ; Want ad ; Literature and the schoolma'am ; The critic and his job ; Painting and its critics ; Greenwich Village
Essay in pedagogy
On living in Baltimore
The last New Englander
The nation
Officers and gentlemen
Golden age
Edgar Saltus
Miscellaneous notes : Martyrs ; The ancients ; Jack Ketch as eugenist ; Heroes ; An historic blunder ; On cynicism ; Music and sin ; The champion ; Honor in America ; Notes in the margin of a treatise on psychology ; Definition

Sixth series. Journalism in America
From the memoirs of a subject of the United States : Government by bounder ; Constructive proposal ; The nature of government ; Freudian footnote ; Bach to Bach!
The human mind : On metaphysicians ; On suicide ; On controversy ; On faith
Clarion call to poets
Souvenirs of a book reviewer : The Emperor of Wowsers ; Thwacks from the motherland ; The powers of the air ; To the glory of an artist ; God help the South! ; The immortal Democrat ; Fides Ante Intellectum ; Speech day in the Greisenheim ; Professors of English
Five little excursions : Brahms ; Johann Strauss ; Poetry in America ; Victualry as a fine art ; The libido for the ugly
Hymn to the truth
The pedagogy of sex
Dives into quackery : Chiropractic ; Criminology ; Eugenics
Life under bureaucracy
In the rolling mills
Ambrose Bierce
The executive secretary
Invitation to the dance
Appendix from Moronia : Note on technic ; Interlude in the Socratic manner ; Valentino.

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