

Goodbye cinema, hello cinephilia
In defense of spoilers
Potential perils of the director's cut
Southern movies, actual and fanciful: a personal survey
À la recherche de Luc Moullet: 25 propositions
Bushwhacked cinema
What dope does to movies
Fever dreams in Bologna: il cinema ritrovato
From Playtime to The world: the expansion and depletion of space within global economies
Kim Novak as midwestern independent
Marilyn Monroe's brains
A free man: White hunter, black heart
Bit actors
Rediscovering Charlie Chaplin
Second thoughts on Stroheim
Sweet and sour: Lubitsch and Wilder in old Hollywood
Ritwik Ghatak: reinventing the cinema
Introducing Pere Portabella
Portabella and continuity
Two neglected filmmakers: Eduardo de Gregorio and Sara Driver
Vietnam in fragments: William Klein in 1967-68: a radical reevaluation
Movie heaven: Defending your life
The world as a circus: Tati's Parade
The sun also sets: the films of Nagisa Oshima
Inside the vault [on Spione]
Family plot
"The doddering relics of a lost cause": John Ford's The sun shines bright
Prisoners of war: Bitter victory
Art of darkness: Wichita
Cinema of the future: still lives: the films of Pedro Costa
A few eruptions in the House of Lava
Unsatisfied men: Beau travail
Viridiana on DVD
Doing the California split
Mise en scène as miracle in Dreyer's Ordet
David Holzman's Diary/My girlfriend's wedding: historical artifacts of the past and present
Two early long-take climaxes: The magnificent Ambersons and A star is born
Wrinkles in time: Alone. Life wastes Andy Hardy
Martha: Fassbinder's uneasy testament
India Matri Buhmi
Radical humanism and the coexistence of film and poetry in The house is black
WR, sex, and the art of radical juxtaposition
Revisiting The godfather
Film writing on the web: some personal reflections
Goodbye, Susan, goodbye: Sontag and movies
Daney in English: a letter to Trafic
Trailer for Godard's Histoire(s) du cinéma
Moullet retrouvé (2006/2009)
The Farber mystery
The American cinema revisited
Raymond Durgnat
Surviving the Sixties
L.A. existential.

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