

Preface: Irony of 9/11
1: Seeds of Islam in America: from Columbus to the Alamo
2: Slavery and Islam: the roots of American blues music
3: Emerson and Persian poetry: the transcendentalists find their reflection in Southern Iran
4: PT Barnum and the Taj Mahal: the spread of Muslim art from one continent to another
5: Language and names: the Arabic origins of "giraffe" and "coffee"- and what about "Mecca, USA"?
6: Arabs and the ice-cream cone: the joy of eating (and drinking), from Damascus to St Louis, Missouri
7: Height of Orientalism: when US Presidents donned fezzes and said "salaam aleikum"
8: Lasting appeal of the Arabian Nights and the bearded mullah from Turkey
9: Trippy sounds of the '60s: how Dick Dale, The Doors, and even Dylan swayed to Arab music
10: East meets West in Memphis: Elvis and the poet from Lebanon
11: Islam and the World Trade Center: Minoru Yamasaki plants a dream for peace in New York
12: Fashion, tattoos, and Arabic calligraphy: the nexus of style, design, and Angelina Jolie
13: Arabs and Muslims in the United States: today and tomorrow

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