

1. The Corporation: An Overview of What It Is, Its Tactics, and What Public Health Can Do / William H. Wiist
2. Corporations, Public Health, and the Historical Landscape that Defines Our Challenge / Shelley K. White
3. Limited Liability and the Public's Health / Lainie Rutkow and Stephen P. Teret
4. Public Relations and Advertising / Diane Farsetta
5. Lobbying, the Revolving Door, and Campaign Contributions: The Center for Responsive Politics / William H. Wiist
6. The Tobacco Industry / Ruth E. Malone
7. The Pharmaceutical Industry, Disease Industry: A Prescription for Illness and Death / David Egilman and Emily Ardolino
8. Motor Vehicle Industry / Leon S. Robertson
9. Alcohol Industry Interests, Global Trade Agreements, and Their Impact on Public Health / Donald W. Zeigler
10. Food and Agriculture Industry / Judith A. Pojda
11. Using Charters to Redesign Corporations in the Public Interest / Charlie Cray
12. A New Democracy in Action / Mari Margil
13. Legal Strategies: You Are What They Say You Are Eating / Stephen Gardner and Katherine A. Campbell
14. Anticorporate Social Movements: A Global Phenomenon / Thomas E. Mertes
15. Labor Movement Strategies to Address Corporate Globalization / Jane Lethbridge
16. Campaigns to Change Health-Damaging Corporate Practices / Nicholas Freudenberg
17. Public Health Infrastructure: Toward a Blueprint for Change / Rene I. Jahiel
18. Indigenous Peoples' Movements / Raymundo D. Rovillos
19. The New Politics of Consumption: Promoting Sustainability in the American Market Place / Maurie J. Cohen, Aaron Comrov and Brian Hoffner
20. Spiritual Activism and Liberation Spirituality: Pathways To Collective Liberation / Claudia Horwitz and Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey.

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