@article{345033, recid = {345033}, author = {Anthony, Michelle. and Lindert, Reyna.}, title = {Little girls can be mean : four steps to bully-proof girls in the early grades /}, publisher = {St. Martin's Griffin,}, address = {New York :}, pages = {xxii, 282 p. :}, year = {2010}, abstract = {"In today's world, girls are facing myriad friendship issues, including bulling and cliques. As a parent, you are likely wondering how to guide your daughter through these situations effectively. 'Little Girls Can Be Mean' is the first book to tackle the unique social struggles of elementary-aged girls, giving you the tools to help your child become stronger, happier, and better able to enjoy friendships and handle social cruelty" --Cover, p. 4.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/345033}, }